July 16, 2016

Jaxton Arza Adams

After so much waiting and trying to be patient with the Lord's timing, we are so happy to finally be here with baby #3.  Jaxton Arza Adams was born on July 16, 2016.  He weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 21 1/4 inches long. He is perfect and we are so in love with him!
Our last picture as a family of 4
The story: Oh this pregnancy has been so hard on me.  I am grateful I was still able to do most of my everyday things but I hurt a lot and was really sick for the first few months.  I had a great OB doctor and was excited to have a Show Low baby.   So during my 39 week appointment I told him I was having lots of hip pain and sciatic pain and I just wanted to see if he would strip my membranes to jump start it.  When he comes in he asks if I would like to be induced if he can squeeze me in at the hospital.  We gladly accepted and while the hospital was really full that day, he got me an appointment for the next morning.  That morning we woke up, my mom came and got the boys to keep them for the weekend and we headed off to the hospital.  They started me off on a pill that would help thin my cervix.  I was dilated to a 3 but wasn't effaced at all so we all thought it would move along pretty well.  With the pill I had to give it 4 hours to see how much it would help.  I got 2 doses and had to be on the monitor for an hour and then I got to get up for an hour until it was over.  We did that for about 8 hours.  We had an amazing nurse during the day named Dakota.  She kept me going and made me feel like I could do it.  Later when they were getting ready to switch shifts with a new nurse, I got my epidural and the new nurse started me on pitocin to keep things moving along.  The epidural was working great and she had me laying on my side with a peanut looking ball in between my knees to help widen my hips.  A little while after I was on the left side, I started getting feeling back in that leg so I called the nurse in.  She tried to help me roll over to see if moving made the pain go away but it did not.  The pain kept getting more intense and they decided to check and see how dilated I was.  The nurse is checking and she took a while like she was double checking everything and when she is done I'm asking her how far I am. She makes a joke saying "I don't want to tell you."  I was at a 10 and the doctor was at home in Snowflake so they called him really fast and got all of the different things set up for him so he could deliver right when he got there.  The nurse, Jessica, was very sweet and helpful trying to get me to breathe through everything and do what I could to wait for the doctor to get there.  Right before all of this started, Ben and Chelsea Davis, our friends, were there visiting us and when they started checking me Ben left and Chelsea stayed.  Her sister Mauriah came and both of them were there to take videos and pictures for me.  It was such a great experience.  It was time to push and Jaxton came within a few pushes in about 20 minutes.  It was amazing.  He didn't have any problems so he was able to go right on my chest.  The policy at this hospital is that they keep the baby on you skin to skin for an hour.  So he and I hung out for an hour and he had his first feeding while I was holding him.  Then they took him away to finish cleaning him up and weigh him.  After they were done, Nate was finally able to hold him.  I felt bad it took so long for him to get his turn.  He is so amazing with babies and I just loved watching him get so happy and excited to finally hold his new son.  It was a beautiful day and we are so happy he is finally here.

His name: My biggest problem with him being a boy is that we could not decide on a name until we were at the hospital.  We knew for sure that his middle name would be Arza.  It's a name that Nate found while doing his family history. There was a story behind the name that made it special so we kept it.  Apparently there was a relative named Arza Adams who was the man that took the message from Carthage to Nauvoo that said the prophet had been killed.  Nate found the story/journal entry online with the story on it.  So we knew we were set on Arza being the middle name but we couldn't pick a first name at all.  I looked on so many different websites and books but we couldn't agree on anything. The morning we went to the hospital, Nate told me that he looked at other family history names and he saw the name Saxton.  I liked it but I told him to try a different letter.  We both liked the idea of a name starting with J so we changed the first letter and that's how we came up with Jaxton.  It was such a horrible long process for me and I really didn't like that it took so long for us to name him.     
All hooked up with all my iv and epidural
First diaper change
First bath
So sweet all wrapped up
All ready to go home
After waiting for just over 3 years of getting over my Hep C and then having the miscarriage a year and a half ago, we kindof feel like this is our miracle baby.  I keep thinking that the 5 year age gap is ok because everyone will be in school during the day so I will be able to stay home and hang out just the two of us for a while. 

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