January 21, 2008

School and news

Well, classes have started for Nate again. He actually has a very easy load of classes this semester. Brooke is really jealous. She is still working everyday as a Receptionist at a Title company and Law firm. It keeps her pretty busy and pays well. Can't ask for much more. Nate is taking mostly music classes right now and then he has a few different things he is playing for here soon. We are taking a trip with the jazz band to Colorado Springs this week on Thursday so that they can play for the conference and then Brooke will just get to watch them. She is excited for the day off and it will be a good experience for Nate.

Other exciting things for us, our new big news, is that we are planning on moving back to Arizona later this year. We will be moving to Flagstaff where Nate will plan on finishing school there. We plan on living in the dorms on campus and we are pretty excited for it. We figured it would be easier for Nate to finish off school there so that when he is finished, he is already certified to teach in Arizona, which is where he wants to teach. We are really looking forward to it and hope all goes well with that.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Yeah, now I can be the first to leave you a comment! Well, I guess moving to Flagstaff will make you closer to me too! We can stop by and see you on our way to CO. I hope you can make it through this winter in Alamosa, but I hate to tell you, Flagstaff winters will still be pretty cold! If you don't want winter, you should move to Vegas! Just kidding, I know that won't happen anymore. Hey, hope we can keep in touch better this way. Take care and love ya!