February 18, 2008

Date Night

Friday night was date night for us. We are really bad at it but we finally went out. We went bowling and had alot of fun. Nate won by just a little bit and we have been so use to bowling on the Wii and we realized it was alot different but also realized it helps a little bit. I probably would have won if I had found a lighter ball earlier in the game. Then we went back home and watched a new movied called Stardust. It was a little wierd but it had its funny moments and we enjoyed it. It was like a more fairytail story of the Princess Bride and had witches and things. We would recommend it.

We also went to a choir concert that the jazz band performed at and that went nice. I got it on our video camera so I won't be able to put a clip on here but I will try to get one soon. This week is going to be really busy for Nate with an Honor Band that is going on at the college. He has two concerts and since he works for the band director he is going to be busy doing what the director wants him to do. I'm sure he will like it though. He was able to take some time off school and go and be a student director for a middle school band in La Jara. He came home and told me that he absolutely loved it and can't wait until he will do it for a living. That makes me happy to know he is going to like what he plans on doing. He was also told by some of his teachers how much they like him, how great he is, and how much he will be missed next year after we move. I'm proud of him.


jeaniebug said...

How fun! cute pictures!!

and stardust is a very odd movie huh? but it's still good! you are so cute!

Kara said...

Bowling sounds so fun. Keep those date nights up. We're finally finding babysitters and getting out again. We went out last weekend for V-Day and watched "Fools Gold" It was pretty funny. Anyways, sounds like you guys are doing well. Take care. Love ya!