March 25, 2008

The Beginning of a Long 2 Weeks

Our little town of Alamosa has been confirmed to have salmonella bacteria somewhere. There have been around 70 people diagnosed. They believe that the bacteria is in the water system and its just the city water so since we live in the city, starting today, we cannot use our water for anything other than flushing the toilet because they began to flush out our water to kill the bacteria. They say its suppose to take about 2 weeks to flush out the whole system and while they do that, we cannot use our water for anything other than flushing our toilet. We have alot of water to use for cooking and drinking and stuff and we also have some friends who are on well water and they have said taht we can go out there for showering if we need to so that is probably what we will do. We haven't gotten sick though which is really good so we can't complain too much. The city has taken many precautions though and none of the schools are in session for the week. Hopefully it won't take as long as they say it will.


Kara said...

Dang, that sounds bad! Glad you guys haven't gotten sick. I guess that's one more reason you'll be happy to leave that town. Have you guys found a new place to live in Flagstaff? Have you looked for a job there yet? Take care!

Cole and Katie said...

Wow, sorry to hear about that. I can't even imagine. Hope it gets taken care of faster than they think, Good Luck!