April 2, 2008

This Made My Day

Well, last night, Nate left to go to Texas for a jazz band festival and conference where the Adams State College jazz band was chosen to play at and so he left last night really late and I am not very good at being apart from him for very long so I got to work today and at about 11 oclock a lady came to my work and delivered this whole display of things for me. I got a dozen roses, a box of fudge and a teddy bear named Peaches which is Nate's nickname to comfort me while he was gone. I can't believe what a wonderful man I am married to. He is always trying to make me be a better person and loves me for me and I know he would do anything for me. I can't believe our 1 year anniversary is coming up soon. Its been a wonderful year and Im so happy that I am married to him and feel so blessed to have him in my life. Thank you so much honey. I love you so much.

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