April 21, 2008

So Great!

Wow, what a weekend it was. We kindof went around like a chicken with its head chopped off a little bit, but it came together. Nate's Junior Recital started at 2 oclock that day and we still had to get a few last minute things together. So we got up and cleaned the house and then went to the store and about the time we got done there, my daddy called and said that he was almost here so we went home and then he pulled in and he brought a surprise friend with him....my Granny. We were so glad they both came and appreciate their support so much. They got there around 12 oclock and they wanted to take us out to lunch so I told them about this great restaurant that only I had been to and it's really good. So we went and had lunch and then Nate had to be to the school at 1 oclock for setting up the stage and warming up too so he went to the school and I went with my dad to the store again. We had already gotten donouts and punch and things to have after the recital and then I was going to make some cookies at home. Well, the cookies turned out good but I put them in the oven and then got in the shower a few minutes later and forgot to remind Nate they needed to be taken out of the oven. Well I got out and could smell them burning so the cookies were no good so we went to the store to get some cookies and then we had everything that we needed. I can say this weekend was awesome, but not cheap. Thanks to dad, he bought the cookies and we were off to home so I could mix the punch and grab everything else. We headed over there and set up everything, wished Nate good luck and then listened. He played awesome and we are sure he passed just fine. After it was over, there was another recital that alot of people, including Nate, had to be to right after so we had a few people eat food and drink the punch and then they were off. Me and dad and Granny packed up and then they headed back over the mountain and I headed back home to relax and clean up a little bit more.
Later that night was the final semester band concert and it went really good too. Im sure Nate's lips were hurting after almost 2 hours of playing his tuba that day. We were glad it was over but Nate did amazing. I recorded the concert and recital on my video camera but only got one song from Nate's recital on my camera which I am going to attempt to post on here.
Other than that main event, we are doing good. We are still waiting to hear back from the jobs I applied for in Flagstaff and hoping something happens soon so we can move down when we want to. We are relying on faith and prayers right now. Anyways, sorry it was such a long post. Here are some pictures of the recitals.


Kara said...

Glad everything went well and you guys had a fun weekend. I'm jealous that you got to see your Dad and Granny! I want to come home, but I don't think we'll get there till July 4th! That's still a ways away. Good luck with the job search and keep in touch!

laneybug said...

I am so happy that all went well!! I hope it goes well with the job hunt!!

jeaniebug said...

ok...you two are adorable! and your christmas picture on the side looks like it's from White Christmas or something! love it!

My sister found all of the papers that I use for my background online...i know one of them is shabbyprincess.com

and the program i use for ringtones is called WavePad..you can also go to www.myxertones.com They have good stuff too and you can upload the song and do it all on there! :)

Did you change your number? I texted the one that I have a couple days ago and it was some random girl.
longest comment ever :)

collegegirl19 said...

Hey-good to hear about your life! I miss you guys! Tell Nate I'm proud of him! He is amazing! Good luck with getting a job-I'm in the same boat as well! I move to Mesa on the 8th! Love you guys!