April 14, 2008

The Big Weekend

What: Junior Recital
Who: Nathan Adams
Instrument: Tuba
When: Saturday April 19, 2008
Time: 2:00 pm
Where: Leon Memorial Building
Adams State College

Wise you would be to attend!!!

So there is the announcement to all. Nate is having his junior recital this weekend. He has to play 30 minutes worth of music for a big part of his grade that will allow him to graduate. This is the bulletin he put around the school but the picture was a little different but same idea. Our dad and mom and family from Durango will be coming over for the recital which we are so excited about. We are so proud of him and he has done so well this year and we know he will do good this weekend and will pass just fine. The other tough part of the weekend though is that right after his recital, he is performing on another student's senior recital and then he is also playing on a band concert that night too. Saturday will definately be a musical day for us.

Other than that exciting and stressful event I am going to be helping out a flute player on her senior recital tomorrow night. I decided last semester that I would be in a flute choir with a couple of girls from the school and we will be playing on a chamber recital next month and we are also performing the quartet on her senior recital tomorrow night. Im excited but at the same time afraid Im going to mess up because I don't play as much as these other girls.

We are slowly but surely getting ourselves together for moving. I applied for like 6 jobs at NAU so that Nate can get a discount on tuition and then we can afford to live there and finish school there. The one job I really want is suppose to let start reviewing applications today so I am hoping and praying that they like my resume.

Other than that, we are just loving the warmer weather and are also feeling grateful to have our water system cleaned so we can now use our water again. YAY! I never thought I would be excited to be able to wash dishes and clean my house really good for the first time in about 3 weeks. We have now learned the importance of having food storage in cases of times like this.

We are also preparing for my brother to leave on his mission to Spain on May 21st and we hope we will be able to make it down for the farewell. Right now it doesn't look like we will be able to but I really really hope something changes so we can go. He's my second brother to leave and I missed the first one so I really want to attend this one. But since we will be living closer, I will hopefully be able to see that whole side of the family more often.

Well, I hope this next month or so goes by decently fast and that all works out for us.

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