June 20, 2008

Disc Golf

So, there is a couple in our complex that introduced us to the game of disc golf. It's alot like frisbee golf but with disc's instead of frisbees. It's been alot of fun learning the game and stuff too. Since Nate hasn't had much to do lately he tries to go practice or play with whoever is around during the day. We bought our own discs for $7 each and it's become the thing we do alot at nights now. We are actually going out to play again tonight with like 6 or 7 people. Nate has gotten really good but I am just starting to learn the little tricks. It definately is a killer on my shoulder and arm but it's still fun to play and to just be with some of the people and not feel like I have shunned myself from the world. I would definately recommend it to anyone willing to try it.

Well, that's the exciting part of our life right now. My new job is pretty good. So far, it's not too hard but the lady who is suppose to be training me is so busy that I'm not learning everything as quick as I would have wanted to but it's slowly coming together. I think I will want to stay at this place for a very long time. As for Nate's job, he got an application in and had an interview today. and was also given the job!! He doesn't start until the 7th, but it will be so good for him. It's a front desk job and he will be working a 9:30-1:30 shift and then maybe take an afternoon class or something online. We are so happy that everything is working out so well for us. We couldn't be happier.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! I used to do frisbee golf when I taught PE. I bet the summer is so nice in Flagstaff. I can't wait to get out of this heat. I'm headed to CO on Tuesday. Nathan and I will be there for 10 days! CAn't wait.