July 22, 2008

We're Back

So, I really am trying to do good and keep up with my blog. Sorry it's been such a long time. We have been really busy with work and doing things for my friends wedding these last two weekends. We haven't really had a stay at home weekend for a while so we are glad that we can stay home this weekend.

Well, we are now officially in our ward. They read in our records last week and we are meeting with the bishopbric tonight just as a get to know who you are thing. We are sure we are gonna get callings soon. We just hope it will be something fun. We do also get the privelage of talking in church this Sunday. I guess it's good to get it over with and let it be done for a little while.

The last two weekends have been crazy for us too. We were traveling to Show Low and Mesa to do things for my friends wedding. She went from Sam West to Sam Albach. We are excited for her. The first weekend was the bridal shower that me and one of the other bridesmaids threw for her. It was in Pinedale and it was really fun. So many people helped out and it turned out good. Then the next weekend was her wedding in Mesa. I was the maid of honor and so I stayed at her house with her the night before her wedding and we went to the temple in the morning and the sealing was so beautiful. She is lucky. Then we had pictures and a luncheon which I had to give a speech at. It was very short sweet and to the point but good. I guess. Then we pretty much just hung out with her family until the reception started. I helped her little sister do her hair and then we went and helped set up the reception and finish taking pictures. It was really pretty and it was fun to be there. I didn't get very many pictures cuz my camera is acting funny. But here are the few.

Other than that. We are starting to move up in our world here. I am trying to get started on training for Saladmaster. It's a company that sells this awesome cookware and I just need to get a few couples together in the valley and do a few dinners there and then I'm done and can start cooking full time. I'm really excited for it and hope it works out soon. I have also moved up in job responsibilites at work. I now do all the supply ordering and then just about everything with the invoices that come in. It's alot of fun and I'm glad that it keeps me busy. The people here are really awesome too. Our supervisor treated us to lunch at a really nice lunch buffet and we have done all kinds of cool things. I just love it. I also was able to see one of my good friends, Tanessa, one of the weekends we were in Show Low. She is doing really good and I finally got to meet her husband for the first time. It was so awesome.

Nate has been learning alot of things at his job too. His boss said that she has been able to teach him more things than the last person that was there. He likes it but isn't sure if he is going to keep it for the semester. We will see though. He has been having fun being at home in the afternoon and playing video games with some of the guys in the complex and going disc golfing too. He has become very helpful around the house too. He hates doing dishes but he has done them so much for me lately. He is the best husband ever and I love him so much. He was also very excited this last weekend to have his friend in the valley take him to a D-backs game. It was his first game he had ever been to and he got there early enough to get a free bobble head and he watched batting practice and everything. I was glad he got to go. He loved it too.
Another treat for us this last week, was that our friend from Thatcher, Adrianna, and her fiance came through Flagstaff with his family on their way up to Utah and they stopped by and we got to feed them dinner and visit with them for a little bit. We are so excited for them to get married and had so much fun with them here.
Well, that's it for now. I really am trying to be good at keeping up because I know that I like it when other people keep up with their blog.


Kara said...

You guys seem so busy, like you always have places to go and be. That's cool that Sam got married. I bet that was fun. So, you'll have to tell me more about this new job venture for you- Saladmaster??? What's that all about? Well, hope you have time to keep your blog updated, cause that's about all I look forward to every day.

Cindy Swanemyr said...

Well, what callings did you get? Any yet? Glad you guys are getting situated in your new ward and that you like where you live. Makes life much better. Guess you don't miss Alamosa!! I'd like to see a more close up picture of Sam and her husband. Had she known him long? Wow!! All 3 of you girls are married. That's unreal.