August 25, 2008

The wait is over

My first part of training for Saladmaster is done! YAY! I had to cook 4 dinners in 15 days and I had to do it all in Mesa over 3 different weekends. I finally got it all done and now I have to cook 6 dinners in 15 days and then my training is over. I can do the 6 dinners in Flagstaff though which is nice because my friends are here and i have people at work too. It will be so nice to just get started.

Nate is also starting school today. I am so glad. He is also still working at the Learning Assistance Center as the front desk person for the tutoring center. He is only working 10 hours a week but it will be good for him and his busy schedule and all the practicing that he has to get in. He had auditions yesterday where everyone auditioned and then they decided which group they wanted you to play in. There is Wind Symphony, Concert band, and Orchestra and Wind Symphony is the top one that everyone works to get into. Nathan placed 2nd chair in Wind Symphony!!! He did so amazing! I am so proud of him. He had such a stressful time making sure he got all of his practicing in and he even had to borrow someone else's music because he left his in Show Low on accident. He is very happy with the result of it and just being able to play again. I know he is going to do awesome here at NAU.

Other than those big events, we were able to buy a new camera this weekend too. Which means I will hopefully get some pictures of stuff up here soon. We were also able to see my mom and family last weekend too. We stayed at my grandparents house with them and it was alot of fun. My brother Dallin is now playing football and he had just gotten done playing a game when we saw them and I feel so bad for him, but he knew what he was getting into when he started.

I will probably update very soon again, but that's it for now.

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