September 18, 2008

All about Nate

I saw this on someone else's blog and just thought it would be fun to put a little more about Nate on here.

1. What is his name? Nathan Duane Adams

2. Who eats more? Definately questions asked

3. Who said I love you first? He did. It had been a long night and he was almost asleep when he said it, so I didn't respond until a day or two later when I knew he meant it.

4. Who is taller? He is, by like 5 inches

5. Who is smarter? I would say are equal, but put us together and we could be a genius. He knows more things about science and the weather and I know more about technology stuff.

6. Who is more sensitive? I would say we are equal there too. We both let things bother us and feel bad when we hurt someone.

7. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does. The only reason for that was when we moved to Colorado, the right side of the bed was closer to the window and the left side of the bed was closer to the heater and I didn't want to sleep by the window and he didn't want to sleep by the heater, so we have been that way since.

8. Who pays the bills? I do. It's probably not a good thing because I know how much money is where so sometimes I buy things I shouldn't because I know that the money is there but I have less things to stress about so I take the heat on this one.

9. Who cooks more? I do for sure. He can cook if he wants to but I always make him do the roast in the crock pot because he does just the right amount of everything to make it so good.

10. Who is more stubborn? We both are, but probably more me than him.

11. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Again, we both are the same on alot of these, neither of us do more than the other really.

12. Who has more siblings? Me, definately. my parents are divored and I have 13 brothers and sisters all together and he has 3 siblings.

13. Who wears the pants in the family? We share the pants. I put my foot down on some things and he does with others.

14. What do you like to do together? Play games with our friends and watch tv. He hasn't had much time to do much since school started so sometimes if I want to hang out with him, I have to help him with his homework.

15. Who eats more sweets? I do I think. I don't eat very much right after dinner but I have lots of sweet stuff at work with me mostly.

16. Guilty Pleasures? He really likes playing Halo like any other guy. If he has homework or something to do, he always does whatever he can to try to get some Halo playing in.

17. How did you meet? We met at EAC and we were in the same college ward and he was assigned to by my home teacher. He knew one of my roommates that I was living with too, but we really met through home teaching.

18. Who proposed? He will tell you I did, but it's not true. It's a long embarassing story. We were at my friends wedding and we left and then he decided he wanted to go somewhere, so we told his cousin that we were going to be late getting to her house to watch a movie and we ended up stopping at Show Low lake and I knew what he was doing and I started hyperventilating. I didn't know what I was going to do for sure. So he talked to me and calmed me down and we finally came to a conclusion that we were going to get married but he never really asked me specifically so I told him that he had to and he did. So he will say that I proposed because I forced him to ask me, but he did ask me.

Nate is so awesome and I love every moment that I am with him whether it's good, bad, fun, or boring. He is a great husband and always encourages me and picks me up when I am down and always makes me feel good. I am so proud of him and how well he is doing in school so that he can be the provider and I can stay home when we have kids. I love him so much and can't imagine my life without him.

1 comment:

Belle said...

So fun to see your pictures and read about how you're doing! We've missed you guys and are happy to have contact info now! :D We love you two (((hugs))