September 8, 2008

Night Out

So, in our complex, we all decided to have a girls night and boys night. We all met at one apartment at 7 and then split up. Some of the guys decided that they were going to go do the all you can eat shrimp at Red Lobster and some of them decided to just hang out and watch a movie or play a game or something.

We girls though, had alot of fun. Most of us hadn't eaten dinner yet, so we decided that we would go grab mexican food really quick at La Fonda's and then come back and eat. So we did and then we just sat and talked the whole time about girl stuff. That is what girls night is for. Well, there were some girls that decided to bring some crafts to do. I am not crafty in the least bit, but some of the things they were making were pretty cute and I really wish I could just stay at home all day and do crafts and learn to bake cool stuff. One day it will come.

Sorry if this was really boring but, there wasn't much excitement or any detail to go into and I totally forgot to take pictures, but we had so much fun and I am so happy that we are here in Flagstaff and especially in the complex we live in.


Kara said...

Glad you're really liking Flagstaff. I am a firm believer in Girl's Night! I do it all the time here. Even though you work, you can still find time to be crafty. I stay home and have no time still, so take advantage now, and do whatever you want to do!

amber said...

That night was so fun! I'm glad we had it, and we should do it again for sure. Even if you don't think you're crafty you leave us in the dust with cooking!

Cindy Swanemyr said...

Enjoyed the profile on Nate. It helps to get to know him better. So glad you like Flagstaff. Sounds like you live in a great neighborhood. So glad you've made some good friends you can hang out with. Haven't heard much about Saladmaster lately. What's happening with it? Is the job still going well? E mail me. Love ya!!!