October 25, 2008

Birthday shoutout!

So this is a new thing I am going to start doing. It seems that in my family, there is never only one birthday in a month, so each month someone in our family has a birthday, I am just going to do a little shout out. Here they are.

First this month is Susan. Her birthday is the 8th. I love this little girl to pieces. I am so glad that even though I don't see her very much, she still lets me hold her and take care of her and she doesn't whine. She is such a cutie and I love going to see her.

Dallin is 2nd. His birthday is on the 9th. I love my brother Dallin. He is such a goof and I love having fun with him and teasing him now that he can date. He always makes me laugh and he and Nate are so much alike that it is scary. You can imagine what it's like when they get together. He is so outgoing and gets along with everyone. He is so dang tall compared to me and looks just like his dad. I love this kid and think the girl who marries him will be very lucky.

Christopher is next and I am such a bad sister and don't have any pictures of him to post, but he is on his mission right now in Indiana and has been out for about a year. He is so fun and I learned some cool stuff from him, and I think he is so awesome. I miss him out while he is serving but am very proud of him for being out there. Love you Christopher!

Mom is the last one with her birthday being on the 15th. My mom is great. We have fun and laugh whenever we are together and people say that we look exactly the same, I will let you make your decision by the pictures. We share alot of interests and I have learned alot from her. She is the one I call when I have a cooking question. I don't know how many meals she taught me how to cook over the phone when I first got married. She is great and I love going back to visit her.

I love these people and wish them all a happy birthday!

October 22, 2008

Show Low trip

Well, it has been way too long since we got to go to Show Low and see everybody so we decided to go a few weeks ago.

My brother Dallin decided to play football this year. He made JV team and also has a spot on Varsity. We haven't been able to see him play yet so we went down on Thursday for his JV game against Blue Ridge. We were so excited getting to see him play and it was even more exciting that it was our arch rival enemy school. Well, on our way down, we were just about out of town and suddenly we hear a squeeling sound on our car and we pull over and it turns out that we have a flat tire. Yay for memories I guess. We got the tire changed to the donut that we had in the car and then we went to Sam's Club and got it patched up. They told us that there was a big fat nail in the tire and that they were going to patch it. We waited around for a while and by the time the tire was done, it was too late to leave and get to the JV game. We would have missed it completely. So we decided to stay the night at home and leave the next morning.

So the next day, we left and got there around 1 or 2 and then dropped off our stuff and went into town to see my family. We hung out at their office for a while. It was Susan's and Dallin's birthday that week which was another reason we were trying to get there on Thursday. While we were there, talking to mom, she said that the game we missed last night was so awesome and I was so depressed the night before because we didn't get to see Dallin play, so it didn't help when they told me that he played awesome and also that the game was awesome. I got even more depressed but also excited because I did get to go to the game that night. My mom even had my brother's other jersey at the office and so I borrowed it and got to wear it for the game. I felt so special that I was wearing my brother's jersey.

Well, after hanging out for a while, we decided that we needed to go and visit Nate's mom. We hadn't seen her for a while and felt really bad we don't get to see her as much. We stayed and chatted for a little bit, but couldn't stay for very long because the West's invited us to go out to dinner and so we left and went and ate at Native New Yorker. YUMMY stuff! We have missed them alot and they are like another family to me so it was so fun to be with them.

After dinner, we headed up to the football game at Blue Ridge. Parking was ridiculous, but we found a pretty good spot and then got into the game and sat with my family. The game was really slow at first and it was pretty cold too, but I was having fun. My poor little brother, Brent, was not feeling really good though and my little sister, Susan, was really cold and would not put her gloves on, she is really stubborn, so my mom ended up leavnig the game early and listened to the game on the radio at the office.

The rest of the game wasn't really all that fun. We did get to stop and see the band, of course, since Nate and I are both band alumni, and got to see a few familiar faces. That part of football games are always fun. As the game kept going, I was getting more and more depressed about the fact that I wasn't going to get to see him play. Well, the game ended and we lost and Dallin didn't get to play at all. The coach was so mad though and I didn't even get to talk to Dallin after the game because they all had to go home on the bus. I was glad we got to go and support Dallin though.

Well, the next day, we were going to go to the temple for a session but both Nate and I got a little sick and didn't feel good at all, so we slept in a little bit and just tried to relax and then we went and visited Nate's Grandma Brewer then we went into town and did a little shopping for a birthday present for Dallin and then headed back out to Pinedale to give him his gift and just hang out for a little bit. Then, we were exhausted, so we went back to where we were staying and went right to bed. The next morning, we decided to go to sacrament meeting at Pinedale ward and see everyone there really quick and then we came back to Flagstaff so that we could do our callings in our ward. It was a really fun weekend and we had alot of fun. Football will be over soon for Dallin, but basketball starts up soon so we are excited to go for one of those games too.

October 7, 2008

Flagstaff Marathon

Well, my work was sponsoring a 26 mile marathon this year for the second time. They were in desperate need of volunteers and we didn't have much going on that Saturday, so I signed us up for it. It actually sounded like alot of fun and I was excited to go. So, our shift started at 10 am and they had different stations set up along the course that had water and gatorade and little snacks to keep them going. We got set up at one and we also made sure they went in the right direction too.

It really wasn't that exciting but it was amazing to see the things people will do. There was one man, I think he was like 75 years old who come from Phoenix and he had fallen a few times before he got to our station, so when he got there, he had blood all down his face and his arm and had to go back to the clinic and get a few stitches, but he was such a trooper for doing as much as he did.
We only stayed for about 2 and a half hours and it started to sprinkle on us a little bit but, we had to get back home by 1 oclock so we left at like 12:15. It was nice and such a pretty day, a little cold, but pretty.

Halo nights

Ok. So at the beginning of the semester one of the guys who moved in bought an Xbox 360 and the new Halo 3 game. The guys would always be going over there and playing with him. Well, one night they decided to bring his system over to our house and hook it up to the bigger tv and so that more people could play with it at one time. While all these guys were at my house, we got a phone call from our other friend Mike and he told us that he was at the store buying his own Xbox 360 so that they could hook the two systems up and 8 people could play at once. There was a catch though, he doesn't have a tv at his house because they gave it to us, so they wanted us to keep it at our house. Ya, not such a good idea when your husband loves to play video games and has a very heavy homework schedule. It is working out ok though.
Since we now have these two Xbox 360 consoles in our complex and the ability to hook them together, they usually will play a little Halo on the weekends now and the girls will usually have a girls night of some kind while they are playing. It usually happens at our apartment because we have two couches and its easier to take our house apart and put it back together. I'm really not complaining about it. It was just funny how it just randomly turned into this huge thing one night. I love having people come over to my house and me getting to be the hostess. We didn't get to hang out with people our age very much in Colorado so I am enjoying all the fun times here. Here are a few pictures of one of the nights

Concerts already

It's already concert time for Nate. On Sunday, he had a concert that was all the different groups in the department. I didn't get to go to it, but he only played like 3 songs. The next night was just the Wind Symphony concert which I did go to and I am so glad I did. It was so amazing. I don't remember the last time I heard a college band sound so good. The songs were a little too long for my taste but they were still really good. On the 16th, he has another one coming up and its just the tuba group that is playing I believe.
He is doing so good and I am so proud of him. Just a little side note too. We had to buy him a tuxedo because it is required and the school didn't have any for him to borrow for the semester and I will say, I love my man in a tux. It looks great on him and we got it for such a cheap deal. He already had a shirt and bowtie, so we got him a suit and pants set for $80, including shipping. It was so great. I also love my new camera and the great shots I got of Nate during the concert and I was so glad that they didn't turn out blurry. (I am actually posting this a little late and so there are some of the Tuba/Euphonium concert pictures below)

October 1, 2008

Day Date to Snowbowl!

Well, there is a nice lady that I work with that told me that there was a Saturday where the were giving free rides on the ski lift at Snowbowl Ski Resort in Flagstaff for any student who had an id card. It's about 30 minutes away from our house and we have wanted to go ride it for a while now, so we decided to go. We asked our friends if any of them wanted to go with us, but only one couple could go. So we all got up there and we saw that the tempurature at the top of the lift was around 30 degrees. Us girls we so excited about that. So we decided that we were going to buy Arizona Snowbowl sweaters or else we were going to freeze. So, it took about 45 minutes one way and then we got to the top and of course took some pictures. Then there was a little trail that you could climb to go up farther and we went up and saw this awesome view of the town. The dome was a tiny little dot but stuck out pretty well. It was all such an amazing view and it was so windy as so cold too. I was really glad we bought the sweaters, even though they were a little pricey. Oh well, good souveniers.

So, we rode the lift back down and there was suppose to be a free BBQ for everyone, but it wasn't happening so we got back into the car and headed back home. It was alot of fun and it is now one thing we can cross off our Things to do in Flagstaff list.