February 26, 2009

Trip to Thatcher

After almost 2 years, we got to go back to Thatcher last weekend. Words cannot even describe how amazing it was to go back there. So many memories came rushing back into our heads. We drove with our friend Randon and drove down Friday night and stayed at our friends, his aunt's, house (Thank you so much Michelle). We use to go over to their house alot when we lived there and it was so good to see them. They have so many cute kids.
On Saturday, we got up and had a lazy morning, we had breakfast and then didn't leave their house until about 12. We went and saw our cousin Rachelle and her family happened to be there too. It was a real treat to see them all. Then we went and had to get our oil changed so we did a little sightseeing and shopping. Afterwards, we went and saw the family of the autistic boy that Nate worked with for about a year he was there. Those kids are so big too, it's amazing how long we have been gone. We can't believe how well their son is progressing and how smart he is.
We left there and bought a present for our friend Adrianna and her new husband Daniel. The main reason for us to go down was to go to her reception. So we bought her gift and then went to get changed and headed over there. She didn't know we were coming so it was a total surprise. She looked so beautiful and everything was so awesome. We got to see some old friends and it was alot of fun.
Unfortunately, all fun trips come to an end. We had to drive the 4 hours back to Flagstaff that night so that I could be back to teach my class at church the next day. We were glad when we came home but we definately have thoughts of maybe moving back therer one day. It's such a great place!

(how can you not love these cute kids?)

February 24, 2009

2 years ago

It was on the night of Feburary 24th, 2007. We were at a friends wedding reception and I had just caught the bouquet (thank you very much) and we decided to leave the reception.

We were suppose to go to a his cousins house to watch a movie but Nate had other plans for us. He started driving and we ended up by Show Low Lake. This was where after a long time of me hyperventilating and him just going with his guts to ask me to marry him, we got engaged. It was totally unplanned but something told him that he needed to ask me. I didn't get a ring for a few more weeks, but it was amazing. He will tell you that I forced him to marry me, but that is so not the case. It was a complete mutual agreement.

I am so glad I married this man. He is the best and we are so happy now. I can't wait to see what the rest of our life holds for us.

February 20, 2009

FHE treat

Combination of snow, vanilla, sugar, and milk =

FHE treat

The lesson was about the priesthood and the treat said to let the priesthood holder in the family pick his favorite treat, so since we just had such a big snow storm, he decided to do snow ice cream. It's actually really good.

February 14, 2009

2nd round

Interviews for the Resident Assistant job have gone under way. Nate has his first one last Saturday and it went really well. He couldn't have asked for better people to interview him.

This afternoon is his second interview which could be interesting. It's a group interview to see how you interact with people and different things like that. It is suppose to last for 2 hours and then we will know for sure before or around the time of spring break if he gets the job. I hope all goes well and also that our other friend who is applying as well will get the job too so that we are both in the same complex working together.

Keep your fingers crossed!!

Go Cougars!

Last week was the last game of the regular season for my brother's basketball team. We randomly decided that we were going to go down for Saturday and Sunday so that we could go see him play. They played Alchesay and we totally won! It was such an exciting game. Of course, we sat by the pep band and I took a bunch of pictures and the best part was that we got to see a bunch of our family. I could not believe how many people from Alchesay came to watch. I thnk there was more of them than Show Low fans. We were all happy with the end result. That game was also a personal best for my brother. He scored 16 points and had a gazillion rebounds. We were really proud of him. He is so awesome. The team played the first game of regionals and lost so the season is definately over now sadly. Here are some of my awesome pictures though. Good season Dallin!

I love this guy!

February 3, 2009

Wii Music

Yes, I did it. I broke down tonight and decided to go and buy Wii Music. Nate is such the musician in the family and he is loving it. There is all kinds of fun stuff you can do. I highly recommend the game to anyone with kids. Here is us giving a try at conducting an orchestra. Like I said, Nate loves it.

Cardinals vs Steelers

Superbowl Sunday =



Good food provided by Britnee and Robbie

An intense game that didn't end the way we wanted it to

Priceless memories

Nate's weekend job

About a week ago, Nate got a call from his old high school band director, who he has kept in contact with over the years, and he called to ask Nate if he wanted to do judge the low brass for the region honor band auditions in Holbrook. Of course Nate said yes! He was so excited to do this. It is going to look really good on his resume too.
So, throughout the week, Nate was looking at the songs that they would be playing for him and trying to decide what to wear and then he also had to pick which scales to have them play and he also had to come up with sightreading music for them. He was up almost all night on Friday trying to do that.
On Saturday morning, he woke up at 4:30 in the morning and drove to Holbrook. I tried to convince him to go to Show Low the night before and stay there but he was stubborn and decided he would rather drive early in the morning instead. He judged all morning and then came home all exhausted. He had alot of fun and hopes that he can do it again.

Fingers Crossed!

Nate turned in his application to be an RA next semester.

It would be a really great job and the chances of him getting it are pretty good.

Everyone keep your fingers crossed. We will know for sure in March!!!