June 28, 2009

New calling/Camp

So, I have been way behind in blogging, but I did get a new calling in church! It was really unexpected, but I am excited. I am now working in the Young Women as the Beehive advisor. I get to teach the lessons and help planning a mutual activity once a month. There aren't very many beehives in this ward, but that just means I get to know them better. I realized that I miss my little primary class but I know I'm suppose to be there.
Since I got this calling, I of course got to go to Girls Camp. I was really bad with the whole taking pictures thing, but I had fun. I only got to go for one day because I had to work, but in that day we did alot. We played games the night we got there which included Ride the Pony, and something with candy and putting on clothes. There was a little devotional and then bed. Nate came with me to be one of the priesthood holder people because they needed extra people for the hike we had the next day. The hike wasn't as long as I thought it would be, but it was beautiful and we stopped at a little pond thing at the end of a river and swam there. It was perfect. After we were done, we went back to camp and had lunch then we had a water fight. Of course, it's not camp unless there is a water fight. After, that we had a scavenger hunt which the team which I was on totally won!!! Yay for the green team!!!! Then there was dinner and Friday night is the best night of camp. It is testimony night and everybody got to go around and say something about camp and also their testimony. The spirit was there and it was awesome! It made me remember my years back at girls camp. I left that night to come home and that was the end of it for me. It was alot of fun and I am looking forward to keeping my calling.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Oh, how fun! I loved Girls Camp when I was younger. I would love to go again someday and re-live all my crazy days, and teach those girls all I know about pranks and toilet papering and water fights!!