July 24, 2009

Why I've been slacking...

So, there are multiple reasons it has taken me so long to update.... the biggest reason being that
I haven't really been feeling great enough to blog lately. I am 11 weeks along and the baby is due February 12th. We could not be more excited. I have had 2 appointments already and the first one, we were able to see the baby as a little peanut and then today we were able to hear the heartbeat!! I really want it to be a girl and Nate really wants it to be a boy. I guess we will see soon who will win this one. I am feeling a little better now but i think I still have a week or two before the sickness passes hopefully.The second reason is that we have been moving. With Nate's new job, we have to live in the apartment that is set aside as the RA apartment. Everything is moved in but I am still going through and organizing. I have a goal to make our apartment feel like a home instead of some old college family housing apartment. We will see how that goes. It's the same size and layout bue we are able to do alot more because there is more carpet. I love it.

That is the latest and greatest for us, along with the other posts below.


The Rector Clan said...

Congrats on being preggo!! That's so exciting! Being pregnant is fun but also has it's ups and downs...but just wait til you get to feel the baby move. It's an experience you'll never forget. :) Congrats!!

ShawntelRaylene said...

Congratulations!!! That is very exciting! Babies are great.

Christina said...

YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I'm so happy for you sis!

Kara said...

I hope you start to feeling better soon! And I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl- then the shopping can begin!! It was so good to see you a few weeks ago. Let's not wait another 18 months to get together again.

amber said...

I'm so glad you are doing well (besides being sick)! I actually have a pair of maternity pants for you. They were my sister's, but even at my skinniest I don't think I could fit. They should be long enough... I will bring them when we come next. YAY!

Kelly said...

Congratulations! So fun. Good luck with all that comes with it, and enjoy!

Daniel and Adrianna said...

Brooke & Nate,
Congrats! I am so happy for you, especially since I know how much you were wanting a little one. It is such a wonderful and exciting time for you. I can't even tell you how excited I am for you! Congrats!!

Orin, Minette and Sadie Packard said...

Congratulations Brooke and Nate!! That is very exciting! A baby is such a blessing and changes your life forever! You will love being a mommy Brooke! It's the best! Good luck with everything! Keep me updated! :)

Tiffany Desiree said...

YAY! Brookie is going to be a mommie! How very exciting you must be! You are going to have to bring "it" to Durango, and when you do, make sure I'm there!

Spencer and Chelsea Coon said...

Congrats Brooke! Being a mommy is the best thing in the whole wide world! And just in case you dont have the girl you want...boys are a blast! Well i hope you start feeling better! Miss you!