October 28, 2009

The First Snow

I am not going to lie, I am not a big fan of the snow coming down. I love snow itself, I just don't like the coldness and the ice and everything else that comes with it. We had our first snow the other day and Nate was so excited for it. We didn't get very much, but it still made me sad to know that it was coming.

October 27, 2009

More baby stuff

I have been a bad expecting mother. I can't seem to control myself from buying some things. This week, I picked out some bedding for the crib. It was just too good of a deal to pass up. It got here yesterday, so I wanted to show it off.
I also found a diaper bag that both Nate and I agree on from JcPenney's and it's got a big bag, a little bag, and two diaper changing pads and a wipe holder. It's huge and I'm so excited to use it.
We already have so much stuff just because of people already freely giving us stuff. We are going to have to do some serious rearranging in the next few months or else all the stuff we will need to use will not fit in our apartment. We have about half of it in our storage unit already so that it's not in our way until the baby comes. It's going to be crazy, but we are so excited!!

Pumkin Carving party

Our friends Brad and Jaynah decided to host a party at their house where everyone just brought their pumpkins and we carved them together. There were like 6 couples and we had alot of fun. Thanks Brad and Jaynah!
Nate being a man and carrying the pumpkinsKimbi, Wayne, and MelissaPat, Britnee, Brad, JaynahNate working on his pumpkinMe working on mineOur finished product
(Nate fixed the mouth on mine later)

Happy Halloween everyone!!

October 25, 2009

Good Sabbath

..Today has been a good Sunday..
..I got to do what I consider sleeping in..
..I woke up and made German Pancakes because we just have alot of eggs in our fridge..
..I got ready and went to church and we had the primary program today so it was excellent..
..Got home and ate lunch..
..Got my dishes done..
..Working on some biscuits and vegetables for dinner..
..Talked to my dad (yay)..
..Getting ready to carve pumpkins with friends tonight..
..And to top it off, my house smells like pumpkin thanks to a wonderful candle Nate got for me..
..i love this time of year..

October 21, 2009

He's Kicking

Last night, I was sitting on the couch and Nate had his head on my belly trying to hear the baby and see if he was moving around, and all of the sudden he felt a kick on his face. That was the first time we had both felt him kick at the same time. I have been able to feel him kick a little bit for about a week or two now, but Nate got kicked in the face twice last night. It's so exciting!! I had an appointment yesterday too. Everything is going well and I have gained 30 pounds so far. The heartbeat sounds amazing and everyting looks good to them. YAY!

October 18, 2009

23 weeks

I had time today, so I took a moment to have Nate take pictures of me and my lovely growing belly.I am now 23 weeks and I am starting to be able to tell when he is moving. Usually at night Nate will lay his head on my stomach and he can hear him squirming around in there. It has been alot of fun and I am now in that stage of no matter what, I am uncomfortable and I wake up in the middle of the night when I need to roll over. I don't remember the last time I slept all the way through the night, which I guess is good preparation for me. I feel really big, but I know it's only going to get bigger.

Seeing family

My step sister emailed me last week and told me she had some stuff that she was wanting to get rid of from her baby boy. I gladly said yes to all the cool stuff and found out that she was coming up to Flagstaff later that week to pay a visit, so we met up with her to see her and get the stuff from her. Since she has had her little boy I have only seen him twice now so it was alot of fun. Here are a few pictures. Sadly, I didn't get any with just me and her, but I just couldn't help but get some pictures of the cute little guy. Thanks for the stuff Christina! We were so glad we got to see you!