October 21, 2009

He's Kicking

Last night, I was sitting on the couch and Nate had his head on my belly trying to hear the baby and see if he was moving around, and all of the sudden he felt a kick on his face. That was the first time we had both felt him kick at the same time. I have been able to feel him kick a little bit for about a week or two now, but Nate got kicked in the face twice last night. It's so exciting!! I had an appointment yesterday too. Everything is going well and I have gained 30 pounds so far. The heartbeat sounds amazing and everyting looks good to them. YAY!

1 comment:

Quinn said...

Congratulations you guys, that is so exciting! I love baby boys!! I love baby girls too, but Franklin was first, and there's nothing like your first baby! Do you have a name picked out? or do you want to keep it a secret? That's the tradition with us because I have opinionated relatives. Again, congratulations, and yay, I'm glad you guys have a blog!!