December 20, 2009

32 weeks

Well, I have now hit 32 weeks. I only have 8 weeks left until my due date. He could come earlier. I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and everything was measuring good so far. His heartbeat was still really strong too and his movements inside of me are definitely stronger. He can't seem to sleep or keep still for very long now. I did have to schedule another ultrasound for next week though. In my first ultrasound they found some scar tissue in my uterus (i think) and want to check it to make sure it didn't grow or see if it got pushed out of the way. If it is worse, it will determine whether I have to have a c-section or not. Keep your fingers crossed for me that all will go well. I can tell I have been starting to drop a little in the front and I am starting to notice some Braxton Hicks contractions every once in a while. I am just getting excited for him to come. I am wanting to get all of his things ready so that no matter what and when, things will be ready for him when he comes home.

1 comment:

Kara said...

You're getting closer! I'm getting excited for you! I need to send you a gift.