January 28, 2010

38 weeks

I have 2 weeks left. 2 WEEKS!!! I had an appointment on Wednesday and everything is going good. His heartbeat is good and he's measuring right on. I am measuring the same as last week, just dilated almost 2 centimeters and 75% effaced. We tried all kinds of things this last weekend to try to induce labor, but I guess they didn't do too much. She did give us the option of inducing at week 39, which is the 5th. We are talking about whether we will do it or not. I am excited to have him here and to be a mom, but I'm also scared to death about having him here and being a mom. I know my life is going to change so much and I am just really nervous. I'm sure it will all change once he is here. Here are pictures of my right now and I had to take a picture of my cankles because I just can't believe how bad they are. I have gained 60 lbs and have swollen really bad, mostly on my hands and feet and face. I can't wait to have most of my old body back.

Snow Storm

We had one of the biggest snow storms Flagstaff has ever seen come through last week. We got about 3 1/2 feet of snow and missed 2 days of work and classes because of how bad the snow got. We enjoyed the weekend by staying at home and relaxing and playing with our friends. Nate loves the snow so he was really happy to get it. I am now officially done with the snow until next year. I am planning on taking more pictures of the snow, so hopefully I will put more on here soon. Nate by our car
me in the parking lot
Nate getting ready to jump
Nate is in that snow somewhereit went up to his waistme by the snow

January 21, 2010

37 weeks

I am seeing an end in sight now. I am 37 weeks and I had an appointment on wednesday. I have been contracting a little bit and it's becoming harder and harder to go to work and stay at work everyday. At my appointment, they said I was 75% effaced and dilated 1 centimeter. He still has a ways to go but it's nice to know there is an end soon. I'm still not fully prepared to be a mom yet, but I am getting more and more excited as the days go by. We are starting to try the little things to try to induce labor, but we know he will come when he is ready. It's a waiting game and we are not patient people. I am definitely nesting too. Making sure everything is ready for him to come and organizing everything to try and make my life easier for when he does come.

January 13, 2010

One month left....

I can't believe I only have one month left until my due date. I think we have pretty much everything organized and ready to go. After our big reorganizing of the house a few weeks ago, we have a lot of baby stuff out and ready to go. His room is almost decorated and I we realized that we can't wait for very much longer, but he still needs to grow a little more. me at 34 weeks

I definitely am starting to get scared though. Scared for going through labor and scared to be a mom. I know a lot of first time mom's are like that so any advice you can give me is great.

January 4, 2010

My Christmas Present

My present that I especially asked for came today!!!I got the book and cd! It is my favorite Christmas story and the songs are just absolutely amazing. If you haven't heard it or read it, I highly recommend it. YAY!

January 3, 2010

34 weeks

I had an appointment at 32 weeks. We had to get another ultrasound because they found some scar tissue in me. They said that if it got worse, it could determine if I would have to deliver by c-section. Thankfully, they said everything looks good right now so hopefully it stays that way. The technician said that she could see his hair on him and she said that his body was measuring normal but his head was measuring two weeks farther along. He is going to be a big boy. I keep having this feeling that he is going to come early, so we will see what happens. She said he was weighing around 5 pounds then, and i think he has probably gained another pound since then. It was so awesome to see him and see his mouth opening and closing and actually see him with skin on rather than just a skeleton. We are getting more and more excited every day for him to come. We just spent this weekend re organizing our house so that we have room for his stuff. It is so fun.profileface