June 6, 2010

4 months old

I can't believe my baby is already 4 months old. He is doing so many things and is so active, I can't keep up with him anymore. We are so in love with him, it's so fun to be parents. We had his appointment this week and here are his stats.
weight: 15 lbs 13 oz (75th percentile)
height: 26 in (75th percentile)
head circumference: 43 cm (45th percentile)

He is getting to be so big. He had a hard time with his shots this time, but he is still his happy smiling self most of the time. As of now he is

rolling over - both ways
smiling all the time
grabbing things (mostly my hair)
loves to play with toys, especially ones that rattle
he is eating food now and loves it
can sit up a little bit on his own
very strong all over
loves to stand up
very ticklish
laughs pretty hard
definitely a daddy's boy
starting to like tummy time
definitely has a good mixture of both of us for looks
eyes are still blue
hair is starting to come in more
sleeps really well at night (usually only wakes up once)
loves to stick his hands in his mouth
gets excited when he looks at mirrors
gets excited when he takes showers
prefers to not wear clothes
very friendly with other people
loves to be outside
enjoys going on walks in his stroller
tries to scoot
loves to play with rags and blankets
prefers to fall asleep on the floor with us in the living room
grabs his feet and laughs really hard when he touch his face with them

1 comment:

McGee said...

oh my goodness he is sooo cute! i can't believe how big he is getting! time flies!