June 6, 2010

Colorado/Memorial Day weekend

After such a long time away from home, we went back to Colorado to visit our family. We were there about two and a half years ago and we have never had the money or the time off of work to be able to go back. Now that we have Kayton, we are going to have to make this trip more often. It was almost an unplanned family reunion. We got there on Thursday night and stayed until Tuesday morning. We really just hung out and relaxed like a good vacation. Did a little shopping and then on Sunday, we all headed out to Granny's house. She had a hip replacement not too long ago, so everyone went out and we helped her clean up her yard. Some were mowing and fixing sprinklers and others were planting plants and flowers. It was really nice and Granny loved it. It was also the day that pretty much all of the family saw Kayton for the first time. It was so fun. I took a ton of pictures and we are planning on going back again before school starts so that nobody goes for too long without seeing Kayton. Rachelle and her parents stopped by too!The last night we were there, my parents decided to do a pit fire in the backyard. They have a whole set up and it was a lot of fun. We had stuff for smores and we just hung out and talked. It was a good activity to end our awesome weekend. Thanks for letting us come Mom and Dad. We will be back soon.P.S. - Here is our little traveler who did pretty well in the car considering it was a 5 hour trip. I'm just glad he is starting to play with toys now.

1 comment:

Kara said...

You're so good at taking pictures and documenting everything. Can I just copy and paste this post into my blog?
It was great to see you and meet Kayton! I hope you guys come back again soon, when I'm in town too!