August 14, 2010

Cute Kayton

We have been having alot of fun with Kayton these last few weeks. Now that he is on the move and pretty much crawling, we are able to do new things with him.

The other day I was sitting on the computer and Nate and Kayton were in the bedroom. All the sudden I can hear this weird sound through the baby monitor that sounded like Nate was using his drill. I get up to go check and see what is going on and I come around the corner and see this.We bought this little battery powered quad from our friends whose son outgrew it and Nate put Kayton on it and we drove him around the apartment. He seemed to enjoy it and there was even a point when we would put his hand over the button to make it go and he would push himself for a second. It was so cute and he sat on it really well. I can't wait til he is older and will be able to use it for real.
We also have discovered that if the right show is on, Kayton will sit on our laps and watch that show. The other day, we turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It's on in the mornings on Disney Channel and he sat there so content with Nate and watched it. Every time Mickey came on the screen, he would sit forward a little bit and make a cute little sound. Such a cute kid. Then last night we tried Bob the Builder and he did really good with that too until he fell asleep (definitely gets that from his mother). I love watching him grow up and see the personality he is getting.

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