August 19, 2010

It's Starting

He is starting that stage of everything he does is something that scares me a little bit. Like the other day, he was playing on the floor while we were eating lunch and we look over at him and see this.
Yup, he crawled through the chair. He ended up getting stuck and couldn't push himself anymore so we had to pull him out. He was super cute. Then yesterday, I went to go check on him while he was trying to go to sleep, and he figured out how to pull himself up in the corner of his crib so that he was standing up. Thank heavens it was one of the back corners. I guess it's time to move the mattress down some more.(reenactment)

This boy isn't scared. If he is sitting on our laps, he will just dive off to try to get onto the floor. He is crazy, but we love him.

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