October 2, 2010

I made this...

 So I have been saying for a while now that I wanted to make a fall wreath to hang on my door.  I have always had lots of Halloween decorations, but never any fall decorations.  So I was looking at this cute blog and got an idea to just go to the dollar store and see what I could find.  Well, I did it.  I went down there and found just awesome stuff.  I got a wooden wreath, little bushels of leaves and some pumpkins, and made this. 
I must admit that I am pretty proud of myself because I am not crafty in the least bit and I made this.  I also just got a garland of leaves and a styrofoam pumpkin and set that up on my piano.  It's not much but I just thought it would be better than nothing.  All of this was for the low low price of $9.85.  I love it.  And now I have some Halloween decorations up too and its about to rain outside so the fall season is definitely upon us now.

1 comment:

Kami said...

Very nice! I did the same thing a week or so ago.. Gotta love the dollar store!!