October 31, 2010

Kayton's 1st Halloween

We celebrated Halloween yesterday.  It started off with Nate not feeling well at all so we hung out most of the morning and then I took Kayton to a pumpkin patch with our friends so I could get some pictures of Kayton with some pumpkins.  I didn't think to carve a pumpkin this year until it was too late so I just got pictures with them this time.  

Last night was our ward Trunk or Treat so since Nate was sick, I took Kayton by myself.  There wasn't too many people that showed up but this year was about Kayton getting the candy and us eating it so it wasn't too big of a deal.  He dressed up as a little lion this year and I just loved it.  Too bad he can't stay this small always.  He had fun though with everyone smiling at him and telling him how cute he was.  We had fun dressing him up.  

Happy Halloween!


Kara said...

What a cute little lion! Both of my boys were lions for their first halloween too! Just wait till Christmas- the holidays are so much fun with little ones. Enjoy it all!

Mary said...

Can I just echo the "what a cute little lion!"? Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.