October 9, 2010

New Tricks

Kayton is full of new tricks now.  The two big ones are that he makes more legit sounds now and is starting to try to talk to us.  He has figured out the "ba ba ba" and "ma ma ma".  At first I was really hoping that he had really figured out what ma ma meant, but now I'm pretty positive he isn't sure.  He just likes to make noises at us now.  If we start saying those things to get him to copy us, he will usually just move his mouth like he's saying it, but no words will come out.  It is just too cute.  
His second trick is that he randomly decided one night to start walking across the couch.  We never really tried to push it on him or anything, he just decided to do it the other night.  First time he did it, he was pretty much a pro.  He loves this new freedom.  This morning, we were feeding him some little snacks and we would put them at different ends of couch and make him go from one end to the other for each bite.  It's way too much fun for us to watch him.  

Now, I guess this new thing isn't a trick, but for some reason, Kayton was never interested in sitting up by himself.  He would always sit on his bottom and then lean on his arm.  It we would sit him down and then distract him, he would sit on his own, but he would never just sit by himself without leaning on his arms.  It was weird for me because he was crawling like a mad man before he was sitting up by himself, but now he does it on his own and I just can't help but watch him sit while he plays with his toys.  It is just too cute for me.   I bet he starts walking by Thanksgiving.....scary.

1 comment:

Kami said...

Oh man Brooke, he is just too cute! I love the video!!!