November 23, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

My birthday was on the 18th and it was one of the best birthdays I had in a long time.  Last year I was pregnant and got a UTI on my birthday, not fun, but this year was great.  Nate came in and woke me up at like 7 and as I was still trying to wake up he brings me out to the living room and says he has something to show me.  He had taken some of my oreo cookies and stacked them up on a little plate to look like a cake and since we didn't have candles, he made one out of a q-tip and lit it and sang happy birthday to me.  I loved it.  It was so sweet of him.  Then, he had to go off to work, so I just stayed home and relaxed and cleaned house.  The rest of the day went about as normal and then we had cake and ice cream with a bunch of our friends that night.  

Then, my birthday dragged on the whole weekend because Nate's payday was the next day and we kind of needed that before we could go shopping so on Friday, I got to go clothes shopping with my friend Kimbi and then Nate and I went and did a little more random shopping on Saturday.  It was so fun shopping and I got all kinds of things I wanted including a new haircut!  It has been so long and I found a cut that I love and will hopefully keep for a long time.  It was a great birthday and a big shout out goes to my hubby Nate!

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