November 30, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had such a great Thanksgiving and hope everyone else did.  We were invited by some friends, the Pratt's, to come to their house for Thanksgiving this year.  It was perfect and just what we needed.  We left Tuesday night and got there pretty late because Nate needed to be there so he could go to the school the next day to see some teachers and get some observation hours in.  He had a good time and can't wait until he starts teaching for real.  We really didn't get around to doing much while we were there.  I was too excited to do my first ever Black Friday shopping so I was on the computer looking for deals as much as I could and Kayton was having fun playing with the boys and we felt like we were really on vacation.  So relaxing.  For Thanksgiving, we had dinner and stuff on Friday instead of Thursday because their aunt and uncle were coming into town later that day and we wanted to have dinner all together. 
What we woke up to on Thanksgiving morning
So on Thanksgiving we went and visited Nate's Mom and Dad and Kayton is going through the clingy stages so they didn't get to hold him very much but they loved to see him.  There wasn't much else that we did.  We weren't able to see very many other people while we were there and it was ok.  Kayton had so much fun playing in a new house with lots of people that gave him so much attention.  The Pratt's have a dog and they both loved playing together and Kayton would let the dog lick his mouth and rough house with him a little bit and he had no problems with it.  It was so cute and now I really want to get him a puppy.  Well, Friday came and we had our Thanksgiving dinner!  It was so delicious and I felt special since I helped make the potatoes.  Whoo hoo.  Of course we all ate too much and I felt especially sick afterward for some reason  but it was ok by me.  It was Kayton's first Thanksgiving and he loved eating the food in his little chair and we loved sharing that with the Pratt's.  Thank you so much Pratt's.  We love you and don't know what we would do without your amazing family.

Playing in the dishwasher for the first time - Loved it!

This boy and this dog were so cute!  He totally let her lick his mouth.

3 Generations - Grandpa Adams, Nate, Kayton

With Grandma Adams

There's the bird

Enjoying his first Thanksgiving dinner - yum!

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