February 27, 2011


Sunday night, February 27th, marked the 4 year anniversary since Nate and I got engaged.  Thinking about that has made me remember a lot of our dating time and it's so cool to think of how far we have come since then.  I don't know how detailed I was about that night in my journal and since this blog is pretty much my journal I want to put it on here.

We were living in Thatcher still and a friend of mine was getting married in Snowflake. Nate, myself and my roommates all drove up together to go to the reception.  I was able to be there at the temple when she came out and took some pictures with her and stuff and then we just hung out the rest of the day.  Then the reception came.  We got all dressed and headed over there with my friend Rachelle (now my cousin).  We had fun just hanging out and eating the little mints they had.  Funny story was that I actually caught the bouquet that night.  It may have been a little bit of a grab and tug, but I got it.

After the reception, we got in the car and we were suppose to go meet Rachelle back at her house to watch a movie, but Nate was driving and he said, told me to call her and tell here that we would be a little late.  He kept driving and we ended up at Show Low Lake.  The whole drive there I was saying, "Don't do it."  "Where are we going?"  He told me he would stop if I told him what he was going to do.  I of course had this pit in my stomach of nerves thinking "Oh my gosh he is going to propose to me"  but of course I wasn't gonna tell him that's what he was doing.  I wasn't expecting it, but I wasn't going to tell him to stop.  So we ended up there and by the time we parked and started talking, I was literally hyperventilating.  He talked me through his feelings and calmed me down and I told him how I was feeling.  He said that he just felt like something told him he needed to ask me right then to marry him.  So he did and after we talked for a few minutes, we have come to an agreement that we wanted to get married.  Now, this is where Nate will tell you that I forced him to marry me.  After talking, we had both come to the conclusion that we were going to get married, but he never really said the words "Will you marry me?" so I stopped and told him that he needed to ask me for real.  He did and before we knew it,  we were engaged and on our way back to Rachelle's house.  He didn't have a ring, since he hadn't planned on asking me then, but funny enough, we had gone to Wal-mart the night before and bought a fake engagement looking ring so we could prank people this weekend.  So I just wore that until we went and picked out my real ring.

There is actually a whole other proposing story for after he had bought the real ring.  We went out for a drive one Sunday afternoon.  I have no idea what the little place was called that he took me to but he drove me there saying that it was just a pretty spot that he wanted to show me.  On Mount Graham I think.  Now it was a very beautiful spot near a little waterfall and had huge rocks all around it that we could sit on so we went and walked around a little bit.  Then, after a little while, Nate said that he wanted something from his car to take a picture or something, I can't remember the real excuse.  But he left me there by myself while he went back to the car, then when he got back, he had me walk down by the water with him and we stepped out onto this little rock in the water and he got down on one knee and pulled out my real ring and real proposed to me.  It was so pretty and so sweet.  I loved it.

So that is the 2 stories of how Nate and I got engaged 4 years ago, February 27th.  I love this man so much and can't imagine what my life would be like right now without him or even my other little man in my life.

February 20, 2011

More Videos

He is just figuring out how to use a spoon on his own.  He makes a very nice mess, but he loves to be independent.  

He was so happy yesterday and he loves it when Nate plays with him.  When he picks up his legs by himself, that's his version of bouncing.  So cute!

February 16, 2011

My sister's wedding

My little sister got to marry her best friend this last weekend.  Amanda and Preston were married on Friday the 11th.  After a long week of figuring out if we could go or not, we did.  We were a little late getting to the temple which was due to us always leaving late anyways, but we got there just in time and it was such a beautiful sealing.  Thanks to my amazing littler sister Milissa, she watched Kayton and my nephew so that us parents could be there in the sealing.  I was so glad to be there and it made me so happy to watch her get married.  My emotions were a little high that day and for some reason I cried a lot, but it worked out.  We were able to be there for pictures after the wedding and then went back to her mom's house to rest until the reception.  At the reception it got cold pretty fast and Kayton was a little fussy, but the food was amazing and everything was just so beautiful.  I love going to weddings and that one was just so special to me.  Thanks so much for having us there Amanda!  We love you so much and wish them a happy life together.  
waiting for them to come out

first kiss

so pretty and handsome

my littler sister Milissa

i just love her!

playing with his cousin Isaac

My baby is 1

I just can't believe it.  Kayton is 1!  It's amazing how fast time went.  He is just so sweet and cute and it's so great to see him growing and learning new things every day.  We had a little party for him here and just invited some friends over to have cake and ice cream and play.  It was so nice and Kayton had a lot of fun.  He wore a shirt all day that said Birthday Boy.  We played with balloons for a while and then the weather was really nice so we got to play outside with our friends for a little bit.  I will say that I made sure to spoil him a little bit more that day.  Here are the highlights.

he loved playing with the balloons all day

yay! presents

showing off his presents

feeding himself cake

we told him to do "Touchdown"

getting cleaned up

playing with his friends

As of now, here are a lot of his accomplishments:
He is walking pretty much like a pro
Has 10 teeth
Says Dada all the time
Loves to say goodbye and get loves from Nate before he leaves to go to class or work
Is starting to understand me really well when I tell him to go get something or go somewhere
Loves to play with his friends
Has a hard time being away from me
Is good at eating with his fingers and is starting to be able to eat with a spoon
Still has a hard time chewing though
Loves to watch Disney Channel in the morning (Mickey Mouse is still his favorite)
Has to have his blanket and binkie with him almost all the time
Loves listening to music
He will shake his arms and bounce a little when we tell him to dance to music
Waves hi and bye when we tell him to
Loves to look at books
Loves to open and close doors and turn lights on and off
He's just happy so much and just loves to play and get attention

At his appointment he was 20 lbs 13 oz, 30 1/4 inches long and
head circumference was 47 1/2 cm.

February 8, 2011

Drum roll please

ba da ba da ba da ba da ba da ba da...

It's official.  
We are pregnant with baby #2.  

I am 15 weeks along and am due August 1st.  

We have had a few appointments already and here are some ultrasound pictures. 

These are the baby at 9 weeks. 

Everybody asks a few certain questions, so here are a few answers.  Yes we were trying and it just happened really quickly after we decided to start trying.  This baby and Kayton will be just a few weeks shy of being 18 months apart. I have been feeling alot like I did with Kayton.  The morning sickness has pretty much passed and some people are starting to tell that I have a little bump.  We are really excited but are having a hard time deciding on some names if it's a boy.  We are going to find out what we are having in a few weeks.  We can't wait!  I'm excited to be a mommy again!