February 16, 2011

My baby is 1

I just can't believe it.  Kayton is 1!  It's amazing how fast time went.  He is just so sweet and cute and it's so great to see him growing and learning new things every day.  We had a little party for him here and just invited some friends over to have cake and ice cream and play.  It was so nice and Kayton had a lot of fun.  He wore a shirt all day that said Birthday Boy.  We played with balloons for a while and then the weather was really nice so we got to play outside with our friends for a little bit.  I will say that I made sure to spoil him a little bit more that day.  Here are the highlights.

he loved playing with the balloons all day

yay! presents

showing off his presents

feeding himself cake

we told him to do "Touchdown"

getting cleaned up

playing with his friends

As of now, here are a lot of his accomplishments:
He is walking pretty much like a pro
Has 10 teeth
Says Dada all the time
Loves to say goodbye and get loves from Nate before he leaves to go to class or work
Is starting to understand me really well when I tell him to go get something or go somewhere
Loves to play with his friends
Has a hard time being away from me
Is good at eating with his fingers and is starting to be able to eat with a spoon
Still has a hard time chewing though
Loves to watch Disney Channel in the morning (Mickey Mouse is still his favorite)
Has to have his blanket and binkie with him almost all the time
Loves listening to music
He will shake his arms and bounce a little when we tell him to dance to music
Waves hi and bye when we tell him to
Loves to look at books
Loves to open and close doors and turn lights on and off
He's just happy so much and just loves to play and get attention

At his appointment he was 20 lbs 13 oz, 30 1/4 inches long and
head circumference was 47 1/2 cm.

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