July 17, 2011

Get Out

I am now 38 weeks (tomorrow) and I know that's still normal and I should want to wait until I am 40 weeks before the baby comes, but I am just so uncomfortable and so miserable right now that I just want him to get out.  Last Wednesday, I was having contractions and things were hurting so I felt like I should go.  Turns out it was false labor but they gave me the option to walk around for an hour and see if the contractions would start up again.  After the hour, still no contractions and they sent me home.  I was dilated to a 4 in front, but when they went back by the cervix, I was a 2.  So they called it 2 centimeters.  I have been trying most things to get myself to go into labor but even though this little guy is down and in position and pretty much ready to go, I guess he's not totally ready yet.  While we were at the hospital and were doing our walking around, I was walking by a room and I could hear the woman pushing and then I heard the baby come out and have the first cry.  It made my mother instincts kick in and made me realize how much I really want a baby again and I feel ready now.  I'm ready to hold another little boy in my arms and take care of him and see him grow up with his brother.  So please baby, either help mommy be a little more comfortable for the next week or two, or just do us all a favor and come out now.  Thanks.  I love you and can't wait to meet you.

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