July 28, 2011

Now that we are home

Things have been going good.  Granted it's only been like 3 full days, but Nate was able to take a few days off work and stay home to help me and we have had some friends help us out too along with people from church bringing us food.  I have recovered so much better than with Kayton and it has been such a blessing.  I'm hardly bleeding at all and am able to do pretty much everything again.  

Kayton is doing really well with Merrick.  He gets so excited whenever he wakes up and he wants to go get him out of his bassinet and hold him.  He loves to give hugs and kisses, and is really good at helping us burp him.  I am still trying to make sure that he doesn't really feel left out but it is a little harder since I don't really want to take Merrick outside just yet, so we are stuck inside with not much to do.  

Merrick has slept pretty well.  His first night home was good, I actually had to set alarms during the night to make sure that I woke him up to eat.  But then the next night was a different story.  He was up pretty much all night, I'm surprised I survived the day after.  Now he has been a good sleeper again.  We'll see how this really turns out.  He has some problems with not wanting to sleep on his back, but he is being a good eater.  He hasn't had any problems with feeding and at his 48 hr appointment yesterday, the doctor said that he is looking great and his weight is doing good so I'm loving it.  I'm nervous for when Nate has to be gone all day for work and I'm home by myself, but I just have to get use to it.  I love being a Mommy though.  

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