August 21, 2011

3 Weeks

Merrick is 3 weeks old.  I just can't believe it.  He is so sweet and so well behaved.  He usually only cries to tell me that he needs food or a diaper change.  We are so in love with him!  He has been a pretty good sleeper throughout the night, only waking up about 2 or 3 times to eat.  The trick is getting him to go to sleep and then stay asleep when you put him in his crib.  Unfortunately, we figured out that he sleeps a little better on the couch cushions with the Boppy pillow around his head, so I have slept many nights on the couch lately.  It works out ok though so Nate can sleep better since he gets up early for work.  He is starting to put on a chub which is just super cute.  At his doctor's appointment on Monday, he weight 9 lbs, 1 oz and was 21 inches long.  He is such a good baby and Kayton adores him.  It has been hard, but fun having this little guy in our home.

He likes his swing


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