August 10, 2011

My little guy

From the beginning, Kayton has always been so accident prone.  I have hated it but he has always been fine and I'm grateful.  This time though was the worst.  My poor little guy has almost mastered the art of walking down the stairs by himself without holding onto the railing.  Well the other night, he tried and he went way too fast down some cement stairs inside our apartment complex and he got down the first 3 steps and then tumbled down the next 3 steps and hit his head on the cement.  I was so far away sitting on a picnic bench just watching him and I could see it coming but there was no way I would have been able to get over there in time.  Poor guy looked like he had an egg growing out of his head and he cried for a while, but he cried the hardest when we put the ice on it to get the swelling to go down.  He scares me so much, but there isn't much I can do about it.  Thankfully though, it's gone down and he just has a slight bruise now. 

Also, we have come to find his new love in life is fruits and vegetable.  His favorite though, tomatoes.  At dinner, I will be dicing up some tomatoes and of course he is hungry so he comes over begging for pieces to hold him over until dinner starts.  Now I will cut them in slices and give them to him to eat.  He takes it and sucks and chews on it and it is so cute and so funny.  Just one more thing that makes us say "Like father like son."  

And I know every kid does this, but this was the first time Kayton ever fell asleep in his high chair and it was just too cute for words.  I love this kid so much!

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