May 31, 2013

Bye to friends

We had one last get together with some friends in Flagstaff before we moved.  Nate had a doctor's appointment and we decided to make an overnight trip so we got a hotel with a pool and invited our friends over.  We swam and talked and the kids had popsicles afterwards.  We are going to miss the Tucker's so much.  

Tired family driving home

May 27, 2013

FHE with the ducks

When we moved back, we had an FHE night with the Pratt's and their grandkids.  We went up to Woodland lake and fed the ducks then played at the park a little bit.  The kids had so much fun and we loved having other little ones around. 

May 26, 2013

We're here

We made it to Show Low.  It was a pretty easy move and we had such amazing help loading and unloading.  We are so excited for our new house and feel like this is going to finally be the house we stay at for a while.  It's been really nice so far.

May 24, 2013

Saying goodbye

Leaving Winslow was a little different this time around.  We made a few close friends but things were so crazy when we were moving we didn't really get to say goodbye to very many except for when they left after helping us load.  In some ways it was good for me because it made it easier for me to leave and come to Show Low.  I am going to miss them and glad we are still pretty close so that we can go back again. 
me and Christy Pringle
giving baby Kyson loves
swinging buddies

May 22, 2013

Sick kids

It's been a long year for us so far and while I was trying to pack we had one more little sick bug roll through our house.  So the kids were really cute and I set them up a bed for them in the living room.  They had a good tv bed and then they ended up falling asleep on it.  It was super cute and thankfully they got over it quick.

May 19, 2013

Anniversary weekend

I think we are crazy.  A week before we are suppose to move, we decided to go to the valley together.  It was for several reasons, but mainly that Nate got a school car and got permission to take us with him so that we could hang out together.  The boys and I almost didn't go with Nate because the boys didn't feel so good, but I had been looking forward to it for a while, so we did.  It ended up being a big thing, we got into town and saw our friends the Hummels for just an hour or two.  Just chatted and let the kids play at their house.
 Nate also picked up the instruments that he got repaired.  Then we went and had dinner with our other friends Stephen and Stacey Zanzucchi.  After dinner we went to a wedding reception for Kyle and Stephanie Pratt.  The Pratt's are a close family friend and we were so glad we got to make it to this reception.  We made it a long day for ourselves so we went back to Stephen and Stacey's house and went to bed.
 The next morning, we kindly asked if our kids could stay at the house while Nate and I went out to breakfast at Cracker Barrel as our alone time on our anniversary. The food was so good and we always love when we get to go out by ourselves.  It's been 6 years for us and we are still going strong.  Can't wait for the rest of forever.

 Afterwards, we decided to take the kids out to somewhere fun.  So the Zanzucchi's joined us and we went to Makutas Island in Tempe.  It is basically a giant jungle gym that looks like a jungle.  There were trees and bridges and slides and a fish tank.  The boys were in heaven.  We stayed for like 2 hours and then went out to lunch before we had to head back home and return the school car.
 It was a fun weekend but now we are ready to get ourselves moved and go to Show Low. 

May 16, 2013

End of the year concert

It's been a long year, but Nate has done it.  He finished his first year of teaching and his year at Winslow elementary schools.  Nate has his end of the year concert tonight which was a big success.  It was the 5th and 6th grade bands each played 3 songs and then they played 2 songs together.  I was so lucky that I got to go and the kids came with me too.  It was a great concert and the kids actually sat through it and loved every minute of it.  They loved seeing Daddy on stage and there were several times they tried to run up and get him, and then Merrick was conducting like him and dancing on my lap a little bit.  It was so awesome to see Nate being a teacher and seeing how hard he has worked this year.  I'm so proud of him and all he has gotten through this year.  Here's to this year and moving on next year. 

May 14, 2013

Kayton's faces

I love this little kid of mine.  His personality is coming out so much and he is growing to a toddler now.  He has started to like it when I take pictures of him and the other night, we got so many different faces at one time.  He just loves seeing himself on our phones and totally knows how to pose for it now.

May 13, 2013

2013 Mother's Day

This year we did Mother's Day at my mom's house.  We left Friday night and got there in time to leave the kids with a sitter and do a temple session together with all of my siblings.  It was a great session because it was the first time we all got to be there together, ever.  I loved it and afterwards we all went out to dinner.  I got some pretty roses from Nate and all the men cooked dinner with a recipe that was Nate's idea.  We had yummy alfredo with Nate's mom and all our family.  We had a good weekend and I had a great mother's day.

I just want to give a shout out to the two little boys who made me a mother so I could celebrate this day.  Being a mother has been one of the hardest things I have ever done, but has also been the best thing at the same time.  I love that they call me Mommy and sometimes they only want me and nobody else.  I'm still learning how to do this right but I love that I get to be with them and take care of them all day.  It's amazing and I love it.  

May 11, 2013

The Family Fun Park

Over Mother's Day weekend, we went to Show Low to be with family along with other errands that we had to do.  We got really lucky and my family was invited by some of their customers to go to a party that they were hosting at the family fun park.  We got there and we were able to go goofy golfing and ride the race cars as much as we wanted to for free.  We had such a fun time.  Merrick was in heaven when he got to drive the cars.  Kayton and Merrick did the kiddy track with help and then they got to take turns riding in the passenger seat on the family track.  It was such a great family outing and I hope we can do it more often when we move there.  

Driving with my sister

On the adult track