October 28, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

I don't remember the last year we bought pumpkins and carve them.  I don't think it's been since I was pregnant with Kayton, but I really wanted to do it this year.  We bought two pumpkins and hoped the kids would want to help us clean them out and carve them.   Merrick had a little more fun helping me spoon out some of the seeds but Kayton didn't even want to sit at the table to help for more than 3 minutes.  Nate actually was ok with all of this though, because he wanted to carve some awesome stuff on it.  We decided to do Mike and Sully from Monster's Inc.  Nate of course did it the manly way with his Dremel tool.  He was up for like 2 or 3 hours carving their faces out, but I'm glad he did.  They looked so awesome and the kids loved the end result.  Happy Halloween!

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