December 31, 2014

Happy End of 2014

This year has been really good to us.  One of our best years since we have been married.  This is the first full year we have felt stable and feel like we are catching up in life. This is the longest we have ever lived in one house and I don't see us moving anytime soon either. We celebrated being married for 7 years and had 2 brothers get married. We got to be a part of 2 temple dedications. Made some new friends. Did lots of traveling and visiting family.  Here is the breakdown of some of our big things this year.  While there were some ups and some downs, I hope 2015 is just as good to us and maybe we will have someone else added to our family next year.

He finished his 2nd year of teaching and started his 3rd.
He became Elders Quorum 1st Counselor,
and then Elders Quorum President.
He is still playing in the White Mountain Symphony Orchestra.
Survived many band and orchestra concerts for work.
He was the best man for a friends wedding.
And to top it all off, he turned 32.

Did 2 semesters of school.
Was a bridesmaid in our cousins wedding.
Got to practice her photography and take a few sets of pictures for others.
Was made Girls Camp Director and did her 1st year of camp.
Got pregnant and had a miscarriage.

Became a Sunbeam and went to primary.
Had his first primary program.
He turned 4.
Finished his first year of preschool and started his second.
Played his first year of t-ball.
He is starting to learn songs on the piano.
Got to go camping for the first time.

Got potty-trained.
Started preschool.
Got to go camping for the first time.

Happy New Year!

December 29, 2014

Nielson Family Talent Show

Another Nielson family tradition is doing a family talent show.  Grandma loves hearing everyone sing and play and show off our skills.  I got the play the piano for Nate, my mom and sisters, and then my aunts.  It's such a fun night for us.
Ukelele duet
The man in charge
Uncle Curt's family doing a Studio C sketch
Nate played the tuba
Singing the 12 Pains of Christmas
My awesome guitar player and singer brother, Bubba

Nielson Family Pictures

I may not be amazing at taking pictures yet, but my Grandpa asked me to take some of the Nielson family that was there for Christmas.  I loved doing it and I love being a part of this family. 
 The next day after family pictures, some of the family were able to go to the temple to do family sealings too.  It was a beautiful experience and it was definitely a day that I needed to be at the temple and enjoy the sweet loving spirit of the Lord and my family.  What a great day and a great way to end that time with our family before heading back home.

December 28, 2014

Mesa Temple Lights

I just love going to the Mesa Temple Lights. It just totally makes Christmas for me. The boys were able to appreciate it all a little more.  They loved looking at the nativities and finding baby Jesus.  It was a wonderful Sunday night. 
Merrick got to ride on Uncle Dallin for a while

December 27, 2014

Hanging out in the Valley

We did a little bit of shopping when we got into town at the mall and while Nate was checking out some stuff, the boys and I went to ride the carousel.  I was glad they were happy to ride it and didn't cry.  This was one of my favorite things to do as a kid and I loved watching them do it.
They also loved riding on the escalators.  We probably went up and down them 15 times
Getting to play with Aunt Susan

All dressed and ready for church.  Nate in his new suit and they all look so handsome.
There is nothing like playing games with the Nielson's.  Past a certain point at night there is always a game or two going on.
 One night was present night from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa and the boys got some great presents.  A Dusty airplane and Finn from Cars. They loved them.

December 25, 2014

Christmas Day 2014

Christmas morning is here. I was so excited for the kids to wake up that I didn't sleep very well that night. I woke up at like 5:45 or 6:00 and the boys didn't wake up until about 7:00. During the month, we read a scripture every night with a story about Christ and helped us keep the true spirit of Christmas throughout the month.  The first thing we did was read the scripture for the day and it was the star on top of our paper tree.  I love the scripture tradition.  
Then it was time, let the ripping and opening begin.
One of the main presents I wanted to get them was board/non technology games for us to play together.
Cd's for Nate
A ring for me
Merry Christmas!
The boys got Ninja Turtle dress up stuff and didn't want to take them off all day
After we opened presents, Nate wanted a yummy breakfast, so we made crepes and had Uncle Joe and Aunt Marlene over to eat with us. It was nice to have them over and then we got ready to go to my mom's house.
Dallin and April were there for the weekend so it was a party all day.  We got there around lunch time   and left around 7 or 8 and during that time, there was a little snow blizzard that came through and gave us a white christmas.  Nate was really excited for it. We ended the day watching Elf and overall it was a great Christmas.  The boys loved all their presents.  Merry Christmas all.
Our Christmas instagram post