December 13, 2014

Ward Christmas Parties

Friday night, we had a ward Christmas dinner complete with all the fixings of ham, potatoes, pie, green bean casserole and the whole nine yards.  The food was amazing and then for the entertainment, there was a Santa and elf skit and the primary kids did a nativity play and everyone sang Christmas carols.  The kids got to choose if they wanted to be an angel or a Shepard and we had one of each.  They were just so cute and I loved it.  Kayton did a great job going up there and standing where he was suppose to and was a great angel.  Merrick got super tired and didn't feel like going up on stage once it was time, but he was still so cute. Our ward is pretty awesome and it was a fun night.

The next morning, the primary hosted a Pancake breakfast with Santa for all the kids.  It was again, great food and they had crafts for the kids to do and a Christmas movie going on one side of the room. The main excitement though was that Santa came to visit.  The kids got to go up one at a time and tell him what they wanted.  We may have snuck some ideas in the kids heads of stuff that we have already bought for them.  After they talked to him, they got a bag of treats from him.  It was a perfect morning for the kids and I love that they both were so excited to go see and talk to Santa.  This is the first year Kayton chose to go up and see Santa and sit on his lap.  It's always been tears an pulling him to Santa before this.  Such a fun time for me.

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