January 25, 2014

Rachelle Bridal Shower

One of my good friends and cousin by marriage Rachelle is getting married in April.  She asked me to be a bridesmaid for her wedding and her other best friend Emily Foulk is the maid of honor so we did our duty and threw her a bridal shower.  
It was on the 25th and we had a pretty good turnout.  We had the party at a friends house and just did it very simple.  There was fruit with chocolate, little cheesecakes, and cookies.  To top it off we found a good drink that was a shade of blue that matcher her wedding colors.  She got some great gifts and we just had fun.  Yay for weddings.
make dresses out of toilet paper game
the get dressed blindfolded game

opening gifts

Later that night, we had a girls night/bachelorette party.  We went out and got some virgin daiquiris and appetizer food at Native New Yorker.  It was a bunch of old friends just hanging out and talking about her big day and all that fun stuff.  We didn't party too hard, but there were a lot of laughs.
Kendra, me, Rachelle, Emily

January 23, 2014

First Dentist visits

It's taken way too long but we found a pediatric doctor near where we lived and so we finally took the kids in.  It was the first visit for both kids and they actually did ok.  There was a little crying from both kids, but it when it came to it, they dentist was able to do what he needed to do.  Kayton went first and there wasn't any major problems with his teeth that we need to worry about right now.  Same goes with Merrick.  They were both good enough to get to pick a prize at the end.  They chose a foam plane and keep asking about the dentist and their new toothbrushes. 
Waiting for the dentist to come in

January 13, 2014

First Day of classes and new job

Nate started his second semester of classes on the 6th.  That's no surprise since he is a teacher.  The surprise is that I started classes on the 13th.  I am finally taking the plunge and finishing my associates degree.  Last year I was on medication that made me sick and lazy all the time.  I feel like it has finally taken me this long to feel like I am normal again and that I can be busy and active and not get sick.  So I have decided to just jump in and make a change.  
I am taking a full load of classes online.  English 101, Psych 101, Bus 112 Accounting, and a Computer Systems class.  I am a little overwhelmed right now but I am excited for the challenge.  To make it more interesting, I am about to start a part-time secretary job for the school district.  I will be working at the maintenance/ bus barn warehouse doing finance record keeping and different things for them.  It's a great schedule and I will be there while Kayton is at preschool and my friend is going to watch Merrick during that time.  It feels right for lots of reasons.  I feel like I need a break from my house because I will probably want to stay home when we have another kid and I think Merrick having some time away from me right now will be good for him.  I'm nervous and excited all in one and hoping that this next change in my life will be good for us.  

January 9, 2014

Merrick - our little helper

I'm sure I have mentioned this before, but it just keeps getting better and cuter.  Merrick thinks it is so cool to help out.  He likes to help me do dishes and cook dinner.  His new favorite thing is to help Daddy when he is working with tools.  The other day, Nate just randomly decided to fix something with the door and Merrick was right there with another screwdriver just waiting to fix it too.  Later that day, Nate went out to clean his truck and Merrick wanted nothing else to do, but go out and help Daddy.  I love it and it can also be a hassle sometimes.  

January 5, 2014

Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam

Kayton had his first day of Primary today.  He wore his new little suit outfit that he got for Christmas and looked so cute.  Since I work in Primary, I took him to his class and he didn't do very well with sitting during sharing time and singing time.  He kept wanting to come over and sit with me on the piano.  He also kept saying that he wanted to go to his other class, nursery, and play with toys.  I felt bad, but he did good once he left to go to his classroom.  I can't believe he is old enough to be in Primary.  I do feel bad though because he is definitely the biggest and oldest in his class.  He turns 4 next month and has always been super tall.  The other kids look like babies compared to him. 

January 2, 2014

My brother's getting married

That's right.  My little brother Dallin is marrying April Poulter.  They got engaged on January 1st.  I got to meet April when my sister got married in August last year and they haven't missed a beat since that weekend.  She is so awesome and sweet and I think they are perfect for each other.  She is pretty much my first sister-in-law that I have gotten to know before the wedding.  I am so excited she is going to be a part of our family.  Congratulations Dallin and April!