January 25, 2014

Rachelle Bridal Shower

One of my good friends and cousin by marriage Rachelle is getting married in April.  She asked me to be a bridesmaid for her wedding and her other best friend Emily Foulk is the maid of honor so we did our duty and threw her a bridal shower.  
It was on the 25th and we had a pretty good turnout.  We had the party at a friends house and just did it very simple.  There was fruit with chocolate, little cheesecakes, and cookies.  To top it off we found a good drink that was a shade of blue that matcher her wedding colors.  She got some great gifts and we just had fun.  Yay for weddings.
make dresses out of toilet paper game
the get dressed blindfolded game

opening gifts

Later that night, we had a girls night/bachelorette party.  We went out and got some virgin daiquiris and appetizer food at Native New Yorker.  It was a bunch of old friends just hanging out and talking about her big day and all that fun stuff.  We didn't party too hard, but there were a lot of laughs.
Kendra, me, Rachelle, Emily

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