May 27, 2014

The Rest of the Weekend

The wedding was over, but a whole new part of a family weekend had begun.  One of the bonus's of the weekend was that my cousin CJ got home from his mission on Friday the 23rd, so they had his homecoming talk that Sunday and we got to be there.  He did a great job on his talk then we all got the perk of being able to go back to Aunt Dana's house to have dinner with everyone.  Again, another fun family filled event that I was so glad I could be there for.  So many cousins were there and it was the first time all the great-grandkids were together.  We hung out there for a good part of the day relaxing and playing games, but all fun comes to an end and we headed back to South Jordan to rest up for the next day.
The next day was what the kids were waiting for.  We wanted to do something fun for them, so we took them to the zoo!  It was their first time and they thought it was so cool.  We went to the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake and saw all kinds of awesome animals.  The monkeys, elephants, and insects were their favorites.  Sadly, we couldn't find the giraffes and that was one of the things Kayton really wanted to see.  They did pretty good but we stayed for like 2 hours at the most.  To end the zoo trip right though, we went to the gift shop and everyone picked something from the $10 and under section.  I think that was Kayton's favorite part. 
We wish we could have stayed longer, but we had to head back to South Jordan, pack up and leave.  We had one more stop to make. 

 Since it was Memorial Day, Aunt Dana had a BBQ for everyone at her house, so that was our last stop to make.  Such good food and again, more fun with the cousins.  We played games in the backyard for a little bit before we took off for real this time. 

 We decided to go the other route home and we stayed in Monticello for the night.  We played in the pool again that night but we were all pretty tired that night so we crashed.  The next day, the 27th, was the drive home.  We did a few little stops before we left town. I told my Grandpa that we were staying in Monticello that night, and he and Grandma showed me a few places on google maps where Grandma use to live and go to school.  It was all in the same neighborhood and also right down the road from the temple there.  So we stopped to see all of those places.
The house where my Grandma lived.  It's very updated now, but there it is. 
The elementary school where my Great-Grandma Perry taught at
The high school where my Grandma graduated from
The Monticello Temple
We made good time and got home in the early afternoon.  We were glad to be at our own home but were already missing being with everyone.  The kids did so good on the trip and it made everything so much better overall. 

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