August 30, 2014

Arley's wedding

I love weddings.  Nate was asked to be a groomsman for his old friend Arley Peterson.  They grew up together in Pinedale and this day was a long time coming.  He married a girl named Ambry Merrill and their wedding was beautiful. 
The reception that night was great.  The wedding party pictures and stuff were that night before the reception so that was where I got to meet another one of Nate's old friends.  His name is Dustin Smith and apparently Nate, Arley, Dustin, and another friend named Glenn all grew up together as kids.  It was really fun to meet him and his wife.  They also have a 5 year old boy and he and our boys just had the funnest time playing together the whole night.  I think Nate had a really good day and I saw a few old friends too. 
Nate, Arley, and Dustin
They loved playing on the handcart that happened to be there

August 28, 2014

Sonic Corn Dogs

Family lunch dates are my favorite.  What better way to celebrate it with 50 cent corn dogs at Sonic!  Merrick is a big corn dog fan and Nate and I really like the Sonic ones.  Kayton didn't care about it, but we had fun and loved being out together.

August 24, 2014

Hard Days

I have a hard time dealing with the toddler phase of life.  The things they do and fight with me about are difficult and I feel like I have had more hard days of dealing with this than I like.  While it is hard, I love that at the end of the day, they boys don't hate me for being so frustrated and they will still sit and let me hold them while they fall asleep, because they had a hard day too.  I love these boys and being a mommy.  I wouldn't trade it even on those hard days.

August 23, 2014

Pinedale fundraiser dinner

Tonight, we went out to support my brother at his youth fundraiser dinner in Pinedale.  It ended up being a little date night.  We got there and paid for dinner, then found out that the Young Women provided a nursery so that was where the kids went for the night.  
We had a delicious steak dinner with salad, potatoes, beans and rolls that was fed and brought to us by the young men and young women.  It was a great dinner and after everyone had eaten, there was a dessert auction and live auction.  We won a massage and had some yummy dessert that everyone shared with us.  So good.  It definitely gave me ideas for our young women fundraiser dinner next year.  

August 22, 2014

Merrick's Savings Account

Merrick has his own savings account now.  He likes that he has some of the same stuff as Kayton now and it doesn't help that they bank gives out treats while you are there. 

August 20, 2014

Doing chores

While I was making lunch today, I looked over in the laundry room and saw that I left the ironing board out and the boys decided to do their laundry too.  They went and got some of their clothes from their room and started to try to iron their clothes and then put them in the dryer.  They were so cute and it kept them occupied for a long time. 

First Days of School

What an exciting day for my boys!  They have been waiting for this for a while and the first day of school is finally here.  Both boys are going to the Head Start preschool here in town.  This is Merrick's first year and Kayton's second year.  They both go in the morning for a few hours, which is also the same schedule for my work, and they are also in different classrooms.  We got them a few new outfits so they could have school clothes and Merrick got a backpack for his birthday.  They were just so cute that day.  They woke up pretty early and were all dressed and ready to go by 7:15.  They were definitely excited. I can't believe how big they are getting and I am excited for this next phase in life.

And of course, Daddy and Mommy have back to school days too.  Nate started on the 7th, and has been super busy ever since.  It's crazy how much he has to get ready these first few weeks.  I am so grateful for him and his hard work to provide for us. 
I have also decided to do 2 college classes.  BUS 108 and BUS 231, which are basically computer classes to learn Office programs. They should be really easy for me, I hope.  Happy back to school everyone.

August 18, 2014

FHE Lesson

Tonight for FHE, we had a lesson on our bodies.  What the different parts do and how they are a gift from God and how to be modest with our bodies.  The fun part though, was that we got some big paper and the boys got to draw their outlines and color in the body parts.  It was a hit. 

August 17, 2014

Kayton and the Piano

Kayton has taken a big interest in the piano and loves to just go in and play the few things we have taught him.  His favorite thing is playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  He hasn't gotten it perfectly yet, but it's so amazing how close he is.  I'm sure piano lessons will have to start soon for him. 

Kayton the Photographer

The camera is a wonderful thing and my boys love my phone because they know how to get the camera to turn on.  I guess the other day I left my phone out in the living room while I took a shower and when I looked at my phone later that day, I found a ton of pictures that Kayton had taken.  I loved them.


August 15, 2014

It's Football Season

Here we go Cougars!  It's football time again.  This year is a little more fun for us since my little brother is playing on the JV team.  We love football season and hope we can go to a lot of games.

August 11, 2014

Dentist Visit

The boys had their 6 month dental checkup today and I was so surprised at how well they did.  The dentist just moved to a new office so there were all kinds of cool toys and things for them to look at.  Kayton didn't do too well with the hygenist as far as letting her put the instruments in his mouth or flossing.  He did have to get x-rays though which he did so great with.  Unfortunately the results from those x-rays were not what we wanted to hear.  Lots of cavities.  He has an appointment next month to get them fixed, poor kid.  Merrick on the other hand has great teeth and was a perfect kid sitting in the chair letting the hygenist do the cleaning that she needed to.  No cavities for him. They both loved the toys they got for being such good patients. 

August 9, 2014

Primary Temple Trip

Our Primary Presidency is awesome.  They did an activity and took the kids to the temple.  They planned it on the same day as when the youth were at a temple trip so when we were done then the youth came out and we all went to have a little message of why temples are important and had some treats together.  Kayton kept touching the stone and commenting how smooth and soft it was.  They love going to see the temple with us.  It was such a great experience and I'm glad both of our boys were able to go.