August 11, 2014

Dentist Visit

The boys had their 6 month dental checkup today and I was so surprised at how well they did.  The dentist just moved to a new office so there were all kinds of cool toys and things for them to look at.  Kayton didn't do too well with the hygenist as far as letting her put the instruments in his mouth or flossing.  He did have to get x-rays though which he did so great with.  Unfortunately the results from those x-rays were not what we wanted to hear.  Lots of cavities.  He has an appointment next month to get them fixed, poor kid.  Merrick on the other hand has great teeth and was a perfect kid sitting in the chair letting the hygenist do the cleaning that she needed to.  No cavities for him. They both loved the toys they got for being such good patients. 

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