February 28, 2015

Easter Egg Hunt 2015

This year, we got to go to an Easter Egg Hunt that the city put on.  I was so excited for them to do it, but
All ready to go
 Waiting in line with Daddy
 Merrick was a little grumpy waiting for everything to start, so when it was time for him to go I had to hold his hand and walk out with him to get his candy.  He did get a few of them.

 Kayton's group is all lined up and ready to go. 
Enjoying their winnings with their friends
This was as close as we got to the Easter Bunny

February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day hasn't always been a big deal to us.  If there is something going on then we will go to it.  We have never really had money for a sitter but we got lucky this year.  Our stake did a Valentines dinner and dance.  The best part was they only charged $2 per person and we got to choose a chicken or steak dinner.  It was so amazing of them.  We definitely wouldn't have been able to go out for the night if it wasn't for this party.  We took our pictures.
We got to sit with a few of our friends from the ward and then we cleared out the tables and there was dancing.  I felt like a girl at a stake dance again but this time, with my husband and he was actually willing to dance with me when I wanted to.  I had a great night and it felt like one of our first dates all over again.  
He dipped me
I sure love my Valentine!

February 7, 2015

Kayton's 5th birthday

It's so hard for me to believe that this little guy has gone from this
to this.  

My little boy is 5 years old now.  He definitely keeps me on my toes and is teaching me all kinds of things all the time.  He is smart and loves to figure things out.  He is definitely a game freak and can play any game he wants.  He will start Kindergarten in the fall and I just can't believe the boy that he is.  He keeps us in line and also gets himself in trouble a lot.  I love him to pieces and wouldn't have him any other way.  He is definitely my boy.

There was a lot of sickness going around our house the day of his birthday, so we just had a few friends over for a play date and he got to eat cupcakes and play and his friend even gave him a new Xbox game.  It was a perfect little get together.

The day after his birthday, a Sunday, we had our family over for a dinner and cake and ice cream.  He was definitely spoiled and could feel the love all of his aunts, uncles, and grandparents had for him. He was so excited for his party too I had to keep myself from telling him until a day or two before because he just kept asking over and over again when it was time for his party. I'm glad we were able to do something for him.  

He picked a Spiderman birthday cake and I made it.  It was perfect for him.

Happy Birthday Kayton!

February 2, 2015

Watching Daddy

It's no secret that my boys love to play games.  Sometimes they even think it's fun to just sit super close to Nate and watch him when he is playing his phone.  Kayton definitely has some boundary issues so it is hard sometimes, but they love watching Daddy.