May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

It comes around every year and this year was great.  I woke to hugs and kisses then Nate got up and made me breakfast.  Heart shaped french toast!  It was so yummy.  We got ready and went to church and I got to play the piano so the kids could sing their Mother's Day song.  I got some cute pictures with my boys after church was over and all kinds of cute little cards and treats.  My favorite was the big card the boys made me and special artwork from Kayton that he made at school.
After church, we stopped by to say hi to Nate's mom and give her the cared the boys made.  
That afternoon, the Pratt's son Trevor had his mission farewell so we went to that at the church and then we went to their house for dinner and a little party.  We love their family a lot and were glad we got to spend mother's day with them.  It was a long and wonderful day and I loved all of it.  

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