October 16, 2016

Jax 3 months

3 months!  We got to go to the doctor this month to get checked out and we started on our shots too. He weighs 13 lbs. 9 oz. and is 25 1/2 inches long.  He is growing so fast.  He is starting to play with toys a little bit and tries to grab at everything. 
His doctor also mentioned at his appointment that it seems that he is leaning his head to one side more than the other so we got set up with a physical therapist.  Turns out he has torticollis in his neck.  The muscles on his left side are super tight and so that's why he is favoring the one side more than the other.  We just have to stretch it out and work on it for a few months and everything should be normal.  Lots of tummy time for him.

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