November 30, 2016

New House

While it's not our own house, or anything close, but with me staying home with Jax now and not working, we are trying to make it work.  So we found a smaller trailer with cheaper rent and moved in.  We are hoping it's pretty temporary, but for now I feel blessed because it's allowing me to stay home and not work.

November 26, 2016

Brent Eagle Award

We are so proud of Uncle Brent and how hard he worked to get his Eagle Award.  I'm so glad all of us as siblings were able to be there for it. 

Thanksgiving at the Cabin

This Thanksgiving, my sister had the idea to have our whole family pitch in to rent a cabin together for all 10 of us kids to come and have Thanksgiving weekend together. A family reunion of sorts. 
Our first night there, the 23rd, we had a combined party for 3 of the grandkids who all turned 1 within a few weeks of each other.  We sang and they got to eat yummy birthday cake.  They were all too cute and a little messy too. 
The next day was Thanksgiving!  Everyone was there except for Justin by now.  We all were assigned different food to bring for dinner and other meals while we were there.  We made cinnamon rolls on Thanksgiving morning and then it was time for the dinner prep to begin.  Craig went to Snowflake and smoked a turkey in a pit for dinner and the rest of us stayed at the cabin cooking away. 
For a little while, it was pretty much just the in-law children cooking in the kitchen
Keeping the kids entertained
 Everyone sitting down for dinner! Everything was delicious and it was a dinner to remember.
After dinner, we decided to give Jax baby food for the first time.  He was definitely ready for extra food and he liked it.
 Later that night, Aunt Susan was sweet enough to get things together and let the kids write letters to Santa Clause.  They asked for Pokémon things, of course.  The whole time we were there, their cousin Isaac brought his Pokémon cards and they got really interested in it.  Grandpa Peterson even ran out to the store and bought some cards to had out to all the little boys.
 The day after Thanksgiving, Mom and Pete set up a game day at the church.  We had a girls and boys shoot out and a game of HORSE. The boys also had a game of one on one going.  Then there was a family shoot out and the winner of the boys and the winner of the girls each got $20.  Dallin and Milissa were the winners.
Playing on the stage
 There were game nights, mini marathon of Office episodes, a slideshow of over the years of our family, and just lots of fun and getting to hang out together.  I thought it was a great idea and hope we can do it again soon.
Our little family on Thanksgiving
I love my 4 boys!

November 22, 2016

Fun Run at School

This year the kids PE teacher organized a Turkey fun run.  I got to go watch Merrick run and he was so cute.  They basically turned on music and told them to see how many times they could run around the track they made in like 10 minutes.  I think Merrick ended up running around like 4 times.  I was impressed.  Later Kayton told me he ran around about 6 times but I wasn't there to see it.  Afterwards, they had cookies and drinks for everyone so we got to hang out with him then go home. 
Warming up

November 20, 2016

New Ward and Callings

For a while now there has been a rumor that some of the stake presidents in our area were talking and trying to figure out if they could add another stake and change the ward boundaries a little bit.  After a long time, they got it figured out and changed.  We were in Show Low 1st Ward in the Pinetop-Lakeside Stake.  We got moved to Paloma Ward in the Show Low Stake.  Our little trailer park got moved to the new ward and so we lost a lot of our friends from Show Low 1st Ward.  We do know a few people in our new ward but there are a lot of new faces too. We are excited for our changes.
Nate was relieved to switch wards because that means that he got released as Elder's Quorum President.  Now our new callings are that I am the Relief Society Secretary and Nate is the Cubmaster.  We are excited for these changes.

November 19, 2016

Our birthdays

Sometimes it's nice to have our birthday's close together.  We can kindof do something together to celebrate both of them at one time. Unfortunately this year, Nate's got lost in our Thanksgiving festivities a little bit.
He was so sweet to me though, we ended up going out to dinner with our friends for my birthday and then went to the Whipple's house for game night.  I thought it was a perfect party for me.  Then a few days later, Nate let me go and get my hair cut.  I hadn't been in so long that it was getting pretty bad.  For Nate we were with my family for Thanksgiving and we just sang to him and he had a cake there and I don't remember but his big present was his trip to Colorado the month before so it all worked out.  

November 16, 2016

Jax 4 months

4 months.  His big thing this month was starting physical therapy for his torticollis.  If you look in the first picture you can see how his head is tilted to the right.  Torticollis is that one of his neck muscles is really stiff and therapy is going to loosen it up so he holds his head straight up.  He is rolling onto his tummy, grabbing his feet, drools soooo much, loves to listen to Daddy sing, and his laugh is just the cutest.