May 21, 2008

Our Brother Is Off!

My brother Tyler left for the MTC. He is going to the Bilbao Spain Mission. The family came through Flagstaff on their way up to Utah and they stopped for a few minutes so we could say goodbye one last time. We were upset we didn't get to go up with them to say goodbye and see all the other family up in Utah, but we were glad we at least go to see him and the rest of the family. We are going to miss him alot and we know he is going to have a great experience. These are a few pictures we got before he left and one my mom sent me.

That same night that we said goodbye was the night we celebrated our anniversary. We really spoiled ourselves the whole day. We started with a little shopping at the mall and got a few new outfits. Next we went to watch Iron Man. We absolutely loved that movie and would recommend it to anyone. Then, to top it all off, we went to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. Yummy stuff. We each had a Prime Rib and know we won't be able to go back there for quite some time but it was SO good while it lasted. We enjoyed our one year anniversary and are so glad to be married and cannot believe how fast time is flying.

We are also loving our new apartment in Flagstaff. We had the great joy to purchase our first set of couches. They won't get here for another week but we are so excited for our additions to our house. We also got a new computer desk too so we feel like we will have a completed home soon. I am planning on putting pictures up when we get it all put together in a week or so. I'm still job hunting and there is one job we are really praying I get. I will update on here soon.

May 18, 2008

It's Been A Year!

One year ago today, Nate and I were married and sealed for time and all eternity in Mesa, AZ. We can't believe it has been a year. We are still crazy about each other and very much in love. He is so amazing and is so very sweet to me. He works so hard and is trying so hard to get his degree so that we can move onto the next stage of our life. I would have never thought I would have been married by now, but I couldn't imagine my life any other way now.
Happy Anniversary Nate! Your the love of my life!

They didn't agree on much, in fact, they rarely agreed at ALL, they fought all the time and challenged each other everyday, but inspite of their differences, they had ONE thing in common, they were CRAZY about eachother!

May 16, 2008

We left Alamosa!

Well, we finally did it. We put Alamosa behind us and headed off to Flagstaff. We left on Tuesday the 13th about 4 hours later than we had originally planned. It took us alot longer to get everything packed and put in the truck and getting things cleaned up. Our landlord came and checked it out and we turned in our key and left. We went to Durango to stay at our dad's house for the night. We got there around 9 oclock at night and were gone in 12 hours. We had to get up early the next morning and leave no later than 8. We needed to get to Flagstaff in time to meet our RA and get checked in and unload the Uhaul so we could drop it off at the store before it closed. We did get it all done too. We got everything inside and organized and it felt like the longest day ever. We absolutely love our apartment! It is a two bedroom and there is SOOO much storage space. That was the biggest issue we had in our old apartment, no storage space. We also realized we really don't have that much stuff. We are going to look for a few pieces of furniture this next week or two and get a few more things organized and then it will be good. When it gets more organized, I will tak some pictures and post them on here.

Before we did leave Alamosa though, I worked that morning and everyone at my work had a lunch party for me before I left and it was so fun. We had sandwiches and chips, which was really simple but alot of fun. The girls at work were really sweet and they went and got me a cute metal cat from the antique shop because I was always saying that I want a cat or a dog but couldn't have one, so they bought me that. I love it. I could not ask for a better place to work and am going to miss working with those people.

On our drive through we did encounter a little rain on the drive and with stuff in the bed of the truck we were a little worried but we were very blessed that the weather was good for us while we were unloading. We also had another big adventure for us. We got to stop at the Four Courners Monument. It was the first time either of us had been there so we were pretty excited. We stayed long enough to take pictures and then we had to get back on the road but we enjoyed it.

May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

First off, Happy Mother's Day to all mother's out there. your awesome. I can't wait until I eventually will be a mom.
We had a good weekend. Mother's day weekend is when my stepmom does her spring performance for the dance studio. My sister Mikayla was in some dances so we left friday afternoon to go over and we got there just in time to make it to the recital. My sister dance 9 times that night and she did so awesome. She is so good at what she does. After her recital, we just hung out with the family. The main reason we went over was to switch cars with my dad so we could use his truck for moving this week. We also wanted to be with them for Mother's day so it was really fun. We had dinner with all of that side of the family and my step grandma, Mimi, at my Aunt Cindy's house on Sunday. There was hamburgers and chips and dip and deviled eggs and Granny's pies. It was sooo good. No one cooks like my Aunt Cindy. We love spending time over there in Durango and we are certainly going to miss it when we move.
We were however really bummed that we could not make it to my brother's farewell on Sunday in Pinedale. He is leaving on May 21st to the MTC for his mission to Spain. I don't remember the name of the city, but I'm proud of him that he is going. We have arranged a way so that Nate and I can say goodbye to him. On friday, they will be driving through to Flagstaff to go to Utah and we will be there already so we will see him for a minute and say goodbye there. I am also very proud of my brothers for being awarded their Eagle Scout awards last week too. They are awesome boys. I am glad I will be living closer to them.
Now, we are in panic packing mode and hope this is all over soon. We hardly have half of the apartment packed. We will be loading a Uhaul trailer tonight with some help of some men in our ward and then at one oclock tomorrow when I get off work, we will drive to Durango and stay the night there. Then we will have to head off on Thursday morning early so that we can be able to check in by 2 oclock that afternoon.
Hopefully my next post will be soon and I will have pictures of our new place and saying goodbye to Tyler. Happy Summer!

May 1, 2008

Its Springtime

Sorry it has been so long since an update.We are finally starting to see some green around here. There is a tree blooming outside of my office and its starting to look so pretty. It has been very windy here though. We have had quite enought of it. We are very excited for these next few weeks though.
We got things arranged so we now have an on campus apartment in Flagstaff and we are set to move in on May 16th, which is in two weeks! AWW! We haven't even started packing and we are planning on being in Durango for Mother's Day weekend so alot of the packing and such is going to be on Nate's shoulders while he as home all day, since he will be done with classes on monday, and I am at work most of the day. I still do not have a job yet but we are sure it will work out ok. If worse happens, I can pick up an ok job for a while until something else comes along. We are still really hoping that a job at the college works out though.
Nate has one final today and then he has the rest of his finals on Monday and he is all done! I am so proud of him for doing so well in school and he is just about done. Then we will be able to hopefully find somewhere to be able to settle down and he can start teaching, which he is finding out how much he loves it. I am so happy I am married to him.
Other than that, we really don't have that much going on. We are stressing out to the max but know that it is what we need to do and it will all work out in the end. Here are a few of my spring pictures. Happy Spring!