May 21, 2008

Our Brother Is Off!

My brother Tyler left for the MTC. He is going to the Bilbao Spain Mission. The family came through Flagstaff on their way up to Utah and they stopped for a few minutes so we could say goodbye one last time. We were upset we didn't get to go up with them to say goodbye and see all the other family up in Utah, but we were glad we at least go to see him and the rest of the family. We are going to miss him alot and we know he is going to have a great experience. These are a few pictures we got before he left and one my mom sent me.

That same night that we said goodbye was the night we celebrated our anniversary. We really spoiled ourselves the whole day. We started with a little shopping at the mall and got a few new outfits. Next we went to watch Iron Man. We absolutely loved that movie and would recommend it to anyone. Then, to top it all off, we went to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. Yummy stuff. We each had a Prime Rib and know we won't be able to go back there for quite some time but it was SO good while it lasted. We enjoyed our one year anniversary and are so glad to be married and cannot believe how fast time is flying.

We are also loving our new apartment in Flagstaff. We had the great joy to purchase our first set of couches. They won't get here for another week but we are so excited for our additions to our house. We also got a new computer desk too so we feel like we will have a completed home soon. I am planning on putting pictures up when we get it all put together in a week or so. I'm still job hunting and there is one job we are really praying I get. I will update on here soon.

1 comment:

Kara said...

I can't believe Tyler's already in the MTC! Glad you got all moved in and I'm looking forward to pictures, especially of the new furniture. Good luck with the job hunt and take care.